Sunday, 26 April 2009 -- Powered By - Proven Products
"Chronic Yeast Infection Sufferer Finds A Scientifically Proven Way To Permanently Relieve Embarrassing Rashes, Burning & Itching In Just 3 Days, And Finally Reveals The Unbelievably Easy, Step-By-Step Actions You Could Already Be Taking To Say Goodbye to Yeast Infections Forever"
A 12 year yeast infection sufferer myself, I will show you how I cured my yeast infection permanently in just 3 days the natural way and helped thousands of women do the same.
Yeast Infection Freedom
Click Here For Full Story!
I'm about to reveal to you, scientifically-proven secrets that cured my yeast infection permanently in 3 days, without any harsh prescription drugs or the never-ending cycle of expensive over-the-counter products that don't work, and how it changed my life forever.
Are You Plagued By Any Of These Symptoms?
• Painful Sex • Premature Aging • Depression
• Sexual Dysfunction • Leaky Gut Syndrome • Tiredness
• Vaginal Odor • Arthritis • Chronic Fatigue
• White Vaginal Discharge • Chronic Rashes • Poor Memory
• Painful Urination • Joint Pain And Swelling • Irritability
• Menstrual Pain • Sharp Stomach Pain • Short Attention Span
• Headaches • Muscle Aches and Pains • Shortness of Breath
• Cold Hands • White Tongue • Allergic To Everything
• Acne • Bad Breath • Insomnia
• Premature Gray Hair • Darkness Under Eyes • Restless Legs
• Bloating • Fowl Smelling Gas • Constant Diarrhea
• Itchy Ears • Constant Stuffed Nose • Constipation
Yeast Infection Freedom
Click Here For Full Story!
You'll soon find out that all of the symptoms above may be caused by your Yeast Infection.
From: Theresa G. Zavala
I know why you're here today. I was a chronic yeast infection sufferer for many years, searching for a way to end my problem that caused me embarrassment and a whole lot of pain.
I lived the everyday hell you are currently going through. It all started with my first yeast infection. I remember my friend Mary telling me how she gets them "all the time" and that there was nothing to worry about. "Just go buy one of those 3 day, over-the-counter treatments and you'll be fine" she told me.
And that's exactly what I did. 3 days later I felt renewed and fresh again and I thanked my good friend Mary for her advice.
I thought that was the end of it, but 3 weeks later I noticed the same white discharge. Again I used an over the counter treatment and my yeast infection went away. But this time, it returned in less than a week!
I didn't know what to do, I was so embarrassed and it was ruining my life.
I was so self conscious about it, especially around my husband. It was affecting our relationship. Any time he would get close I would pull away unless I had taken a shower in the last few hours. The times we did have sex, it was painful and I worried he would notice.
I Could No Longer Ignore My Reoccurring Yeast Infections, It Was Ruining My Life
Finally, I had enough. After trying 4 over-the-counter treatments that did nothing, I finally made a doctor's appointment. I was so embarrassed, my face turned red. I felt so dirty. I just kept thinking "what is wrong with me?" I asked myself over and over again.
My doctor's visit was quick and I was off the drug store with a prescription to fill. A couple of weeks passed and the anti-fugals I received completely fixed my problem, or so I thought.
Unfortunately, after a month or so of feeling normal again, my Yeast Infection came back and this time with vengeance.
The worst part was, my husband and I were growing apart. I avoided intimacy completely, I was just too embarrassed. Every day I thought, why me? Will this ever go away?
The Shocking Truth About How Often Conventional Treatment Fails And Leads To Even Worst Yeast Infections
Again I returned to my doctor. This time I was given a prescription medication called Diflucan. The doctor told me this was powerful stuff and it should clear my yeast infection for good. Once again things started to get better only to get worse. Over and over again I tried different creams and pills from my doctor only to be disappointed.
FACT: 86% of all women treating Yeast Infections with Pharmaceutical Medication suffer from reoccurrence.
(Source: Health Science Center In Memphis)
Yet another problem is that Yeast Infections are seen by most doctors as a minor affliction, as something to live with like bad breath or underarm odor. It is not seen for what it really is an indication that your body is seriously out of balance in other ways.
Yeast Infection Freedom
Click Here For Full Story!
Like so many other women who have Yeast Infections, I totally believed that doctors would help me get better. I was wrong.
I Got So Frustrated With The Advice of My Doctors I Decided To Find My Own Solution!
I was so sick of being on antibiotics and prescription drugs all the time, they just didn't work long term. So, I went from one natural doctor to another and tried every natural remedy I could which cost me thousands of dollars in trial and error.
I tried everything including garlic, caprylic acid, oil of oregano, colon cleansing, parasite cleansing, ozone, probiotics, the LifeForce Plan, the Nature Cures protocol, and the popular Threelac. I even had my dental fillings removed because of the Mercury.
Some of these treatments worked, most didn't, but just like the doctor's prescription they weren't a permanent cure. After a few weeks, my Yeast Infection returned. Yeast Infections were ruining my life and I had enough, I was determined to find the answer.
I read everything I could find from websites, books, articles, medical journals and medical textbooks. My research led me to specialized doctors from around the world.
All the experts focused on changing to a strict diet of non-starchy vegetables and meat. NO SUGAR, NO CARBS, NO FRUIT. This diet was impossible to follow long term and as soon as I cheated and ate some carbs or sugar my Yeast Infection symptoms came back immediately.
I learned that most of the treatments available today, actually makes your Yeast Infection much worse in the long run.
Every time I learned something new, I tested it. Imagine my disappointment when nothing worked. Then, as if by a miracle, I stumbled across a secret that would change my life forever.
My Yeast Infection Was Gone And To This Day Has Never Returned!
Yeast Infection Freedom
Click Here For Full Story!
After following the secrets I had learned, my Yeast Infection was gone in 3 short days. I wasn't sure at first because so many other treatments failed to work long term. Soon, days turned into weeks and nothing returned. No burning, no discharge, no pain or discomfort during sex. Just a fresh, clean feeling.
After years of suffering from the terrible and embarrassing condition, I'm final free to enjoy life again. No more avoiding intimacy with my husband. I've never felt happier.
Do You Have A Systematic Candida Infection?
If You Suffer From Persistent, Reoccurring Yeast Infections And Have Only Found Temporary Relief From Your Yeast Infections, You Most Likely Have a Systematic Candida Infection!
If you have many unexplained health symptoms and you can't seem to get rid of a reoccurring Yeast Infection, then you most likely have a systematic Candida Yeast Infection like I did.
The problem is almost all conventional treatment focus on fixing the symptoms not the root cause. To permanently free yourself from Yeast Infections you need to address the root cause, the reason you got a Yeast Infection in the first place. And that's exactly what I discovered.
Once I addressed the root cause I was free at last. I've never felt better, I sleep like a baby now, and I'm full of energy and have a new zest on life.
On top of that, all my other symptoms vanished too! Now years later, I feel incredible and I'm thankful I've been able to help so many people.
The Shocking Truth About Yeast Infection Treatments
Most conventional treatments such as Antibiotics and Anti-fungals upset the natural balance of bacteria in your vagina. In your vagina live both good and bad bacteria.
Antibiotic literally translated means "against life" - it kills bacteria indiscriminately and you need many types of bacteria to have normal healthy balance.
Medical Diagram
Taking the most commonly prescribed treatments for Yeast Infections will make your situation much, much worse. Because you're also killing the good bacteria, your body will have no defense when the Yeast returns.
Upsetting the natural balance of bacteria will cause increased discharge, odor, itching and irritation which is why most women who take traditional medication get even worse Yeast Infections within three months.
Attention MEN: This Treatment Works Great For you TOO!
If you suffer from penile yeast infections or systematic Candida you'll be happy to know that this treatment quickly and permanently relieves male yeast infections too.
You'll no longer have to worry about passing yeast infections back and forth with your partner, because once you address the root cause you'll gain a natural resistant and you'll be free of yeast infections forever.
What Kind of Results Have Other People Had With This Method?
Don't believe that all of this is possible? Read the testimonials from some of the thousands of people who have permanently relieved their Yeast Infections using this unique, 3-Step method:
Yeast Infection Freedom Success Story #1:
"I can't thank you enough for the research your doing..."
Hi Theresa,
My battle with yeast started over 10 years ago. Throughout that journey I've learned a lot about health. I could never quite get rid of my Candida, even when on a strict diet of vegetables and meat I still kinda felt sick.
This was before I read your book. I've shared what I've learned in your book with many other sufferers that I meet along the way and all of them have improved.
I can't thank you enough for the research your doing, feel free to use this on your site if you want.
Thanks again,
Yeast Infection Freedom
Click Here For Full Story!
Kathleen J. Lee, Saint Cloud, Minnesota
Yeast Infection Freedom Success Story #2:
"After a very short time I can say that I'm permanently cured!"
I don't normally write these kinds of letters but I felt I needed to do something to show my appreciation. I had one yeast infection after another and finally gave up on over the counter creams.
I tried many prescriptions but they didn't work either. Your book was one of the first things I ever bough on the internet and I'm glad I did. Once I read your book, I finally felt like I understand why I had a yeast infection.
I started your treatment right away and after a very short time I can say that I'm permanently cured!
Thank you,
Maryellen Gladney, Miami, Florida
Yeast Infection Freedom Success Story #3:
" wife is back to her good old self."
My wife sufferred with yeast infections for many years. We went to a lot of different doctors and tried a lot of treatments but nothing worked.
I took a chance on your book and I'm glad I did. Of all the books we've read, your book was the only one that had some new information, something different.
Every other book just said to avoid sugar, but that didn't seem to work completely. We did everything you said and I'm happy to say my wife is back to her good old self.
We just wanted to say thanks,
John and Marie
Yeast Infection Freedom Success Story #4:
"I can't believe how simple it was to eliminate Candida..."
I just wanted to send you a quick thank you for clearing up my yeast infection. I've suffered for years with IBS, aches and pains all over my body, headaches and foggy thoughts.
Doctors don't even recognize Candida is so prevalent. I can't believe how simple it was to eliminate Candida, I've been suffering needlessly for years. Every doctor should know your protocol.
Kathy White, Grand Valley, Pennsylvania
Yeast Infection Freedom Success Story #5:
Yeast Infection Freedom
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"Your book opened my eyes to the true root cause of yeast infections."
Dear Theresa,
I've had problems with reoccurring yeast infections for years. It's brought me to tears many times, it was completely ruining my life.
I can't remember the last time I enjoyed sex, it's was so painful and embarrassing. I'm was constantly washing myself so that my boyfriend wouldn't notice.
I've tried everything my doctor gave me including the prescription drug Diflucan. I've tried numerous natural treatments too. None of those worked either. When I came accross your site I decided to try it.
Your book opened my eyes to the true root cause of yeast infections. Thank you, you helped me get my life back.
Thank you forever!
Rosa D. Anselmo, Phoenix, Arizona
Yeast Infection Freedom Success Story #6:
"My tongue is back to its normal reddish-pink and my bad, yeasty breath is gone."
I've had thrush for as long as I could remember. I've tried a lot of different treatments but none worked, but that wasn't until I tried yours. My tongue is back to its normal reddish-pink and my bad, yeasty breath is gone.
Thank you and god bless.
Derek, Newark, NJ
Yeast Infection Freedom Success Story #7:
"After 8 years of misery, by battle with Candida is over. Thank you from the bottom of my heart."
Dear Theresa,
Your treatment worked like a miracle! If suffered with nightmare like symptoms related to my Candida Infection. I've been misdiagnosed with CFS and Fibromyalgia. I've been to over a dozen doctors and none of them helped.
I had constant migraines, sharp stomach pains and I it seems like I was allergic to everything. Some days it I almost couldn't get out of bed.
After years of research on my own I realized that I had a Candida infection. I did everything the experts told me, no sugar, no carbs, no fruit, no condiments, no dairy, no alcohol etc. I felt a little better but I never felt fully back to normal.
When I saw your site I was skeptical because I've tried so many treatment and none of them worked. I'm so glad I took a chance.
After 8 years of misery, by battle with Candida is over. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Amada Knutson, Caney, Kansas
Yeast Infection Freedom Success Story #8:
"'s been 3 months and I haven't had a single symptom or reoccurrence. Thanks!!!"
Yeast Infection Freedom
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Thank you so much for your advice. I finally beat my yeast infection for good. I couldn't believe it. After doing your treatment I felt so much better. I waited and waited for the symptoms to return like they always do, but it's been 3 months and I haven't had a single symptom or reoccurrence. Thanks!!!
Amber Hovatter, Brentwood, Tennessee
Finally, After Years of Research, A Simple, Inexpensive, 3-step plan To Eliminate Yeast Infections for Good
I finally pulled together all my research and the powerful secrets I stumbled on and combined it into an easy to follow three-step program that targets the root cause of Yeast Infections.
This 3-step attack plan is something that nobody else in the world has put together. By the way it is critical that you follow all three steps to help eliminate Yeast Infections forever.
The bonus to following this 3-step attack plan is that it will boost your overall health in general. I haven't had so much as a cold in over four years!
The result of my research is in my book "3 Days To Permanent Yeast Infection Freedom."
Here Is What You'll Learn By Reading 3 Days To Permanent Yeast Infection Freedom:
* The secret 3-Step, home remedy that harnesses the power of mother nature to get rid of your Yeast Infection for good
* Discover the 1 critical factor that stops yeasty odor and discharge for good, especial after sex
* How to avoid common feminine hygiene products that could be literally "rubbing" you the wrong way.
* A simple and shockingly easy treatment to get immediate relief from burning and itching using a simple ingredient that everyone has in their home
* Finally the complete and honest answer as to why you have Yeast Infections and what to do to ensure you never get it again
* A little known secret that restores optimal bacteria balance in your vagina using a 100% natural substance to ensure your Yeast Infection won't come back
* Why all the experts are wrong about sugar and the shocking truth about why you MUST have sugar to eliminate yeast infections
* The shockingly simple everyday cleanse the balances your body to restore your natural vibrant energy level and permanently eliminates chronic fatigue
* Finally, complete relief from depression, mood swings, anxiety, migraines, blurred vision, headaches, mental clarity, muscle aches and joint pain (hidden symptoms of a systemic yeast infection)
* Why Yeast Infections are a WARNING sign that something is wrong in your body and in some cases even a warning sign for much worse diseases and what you can learn and do about it
* 5 mistakes to avoid that almost everyone is guilty of, which instead of curing your Yeast Infection, weakens and destroys you body's natural ability to relieve itself (and almost everybody's doing it!)
* An amazing discover that is guaranteed to eliminate oral yeast and the white coating on your tongue that plagues over 90% of Yeast Infection sufferers
* 7 things you should know about the food you eat to reverse not only Yeast Infections but virtually all disease (ignore these and you'll be plagued with Yeast Infections forever)
* The most powerful external anti-yeast secret weapon the drug industry hopes you will never find out!
* What never to do, even if your doctor tells you to
* Uncover the root cause of a digestive problems and quickly and safely unclog your system to end bloating, heartburn and constipation for good
* Warning! Before you shower, make sure your soap doesn't contain this ingredient, a common factor in Yeast Infections
* The dirty little Yeast Infection secret that the medical industry doesn't want you to know about antibiotics
* An amazing discovery that restores your inner body that you should always use which alone is guaranteed to make you feel clean again in a matter of days
* Break the vicious cycle of recurring Yeast Infections and finally have sex whenever you want, without the embarrassment
* 3 steps to cleanse your body that not only prevent Yeast Infections, but also bacterial vaginosis and urinary tract infections (UTI)
* And many more secrets...
Yeast Infection Freedom
Click Here For Full Story!
That's just a small example of what you'll discover in "3 Days To Permanent Yeast Infection Freedom."
Just Imagine How Wonderful Your Life Will Be Once The Stress And Embarrassment Of Dealing With Yeast Infections Every Day Is Gone
* No more embarrassing vaginal "yeasty" odor
* No more slimy feeling
* No more itching
* No more discharge
* No more painful sex
* No more painful urination
* No more trips to deal with a bored doctor who can't help you
Long-Lasting, Permanent Results, Without Ongoing Monthly Expense
Would your curiosity be piqued if you knew that you could walk into your kitchen right now, pick out two ingredient, go to your bathroom, apply some of it and experience immediate relief from your symptoms.
Just how many hours are you spending at the doctor's or surfing all over the internet looking for a cure when you can get immediate relief from ALL of your symptoms right now.
The most popular product on the market will cost you around $65.00 for one box that only lasts one month. So, if you want to be Yeast Infection free you'll have to take this every single month. That's $780.00 per year! This book will cost you a fraction of that and will permanently rid your body of Yeast Infections.
Here's Where I help YOU Get Better
This program will work for you. I will give you the simple step-by-step directions and show you the way.
My book is jam-packed with years of scientific research, helpful information on understanding your specific type of Yeast Infection (yes, there is more than one type), and a simple, practical, and easy-to-do natural program that really works!
I can easily sell this information for over $200.00, considering the yearly costs you are already incurring with prescription drugs and over-the-counter products.
However, thanks to the reduced costs involved with doing business on the Internet and my sincere wish to HELP as many Yeast Infection sufferers as possible - I have decided to offer you immediate access to the program for the one-time cost of...Only $59.99 (Limited Time Offer - Now Only $39)
You will also receive access to download the 5 bonuses described below as your free gifts for purchasing today. The best part is, you can have the eBook version within minutes from now because it is available for instant download!
After purchase you will be redirected to where you can easily download and read your digital books. Nothing is mailed to you, these are downloadable products only.
Please keep in mind this is a "limited time special" price and I can only guarantee it for this week only. After that it will be increased back to the normal price, so please act now to take advantage of this rare opportunity. If you come back in a couple of days, and the "limited time special" price is gone, there's nothing I can do - Buy today and save $20.00!
Yeast Infection Freedom
Click Here For Full Story!
A 12 year yeast infection sufferer myself, I will show you how I cured my yeast infection permanently in just 3 days the natural way and helped thousands of women do the same.
Yeast Infection Freedom
Click Here For Full Story!
I'm about to reveal to you, scientifically-proven secrets that cured my yeast infection permanently in 3 days, without any harsh prescription drugs or the never-ending cycle of expensive over-the-counter products that don't work, and how it changed my life forever.
Are You Plagued By Any Of These Symptoms?
• Painful Sex • Premature Aging • Depression
• Sexual Dysfunction • Leaky Gut Syndrome • Tiredness
• Vaginal Odor • Arthritis • Chronic Fatigue
• White Vaginal Discharge • Chronic Rashes • Poor Memory
• Painful Urination • Joint Pain And Swelling • Irritability
• Menstrual Pain • Sharp Stomach Pain • Short Attention Span
• Headaches • Muscle Aches and Pains • Shortness of Breath
• Cold Hands • White Tongue • Allergic To Everything
• Acne • Bad Breath • Insomnia
• Premature Gray Hair • Darkness Under Eyes • Restless Legs
• Bloating • Fowl Smelling Gas • Constant Diarrhea
• Itchy Ears • Constant Stuffed Nose • Constipation
Yeast Infection Freedom
Click Here For Full Story!
You'll soon find out that all of the symptoms above may be caused by your Yeast Infection.
From: Theresa G. Zavala
I know why you're here today. I was a chronic yeast infection sufferer for many years, searching for a way to end my problem that caused me embarrassment and a whole lot of pain.
I lived the everyday hell you are currently going through. It all started with my first yeast infection. I remember my friend Mary telling me how she gets them "all the time" and that there was nothing to worry about. "Just go buy one of those 3 day, over-the-counter treatments and you'll be fine" she told me.
And that's exactly what I did. 3 days later I felt renewed and fresh again and I thanked my good friend Mary for her advice.
I thought that was the end of it, but 3 weeks later I noticed the same white discharge. Again I used an over the counter treatment and my yeast infection went away. But this time, it returned in less than a week!
I didn't know what to do, I was so embarrassed and it was ruining my life.
I was so self conscious about it, especially around my husband. It was affecting our relationship. Any time he would get close I would pull away unless I had taken a shower in the last few hours. The times we did have sex, it was painful and I worried he would notice.
I Could No Longer Ignore My Reoccurring Yeast Infections, It Was Ruining My Life
Finally, I had enough. After trying 4 over-the-counter treatments that did nothing, I finally made a doctor's appointment. I was so embarrassed, my face turned red. I felt so dirty. I just kept thinking "what is wrong with me?" I asked myself over and over again.
My doctor's visit was quick and I was off the drug store with a prescription to fill. A couple of weeks passed and the anti-fugals I received completely fixed my problem, or so I thought.
Unfortunately, after a month or so of feeling normal again, my Yeast Infection came back and this time with vengeance.
The worst part was, my husband and I were growing apart. I avoided intimacy completely, I was just too embarrassed. Every day I thought, why me? Will this ever go away?
The Shocking Truth About How Often Conventional Treatment Fails And Leads To Even Worst Yeast Infections
Again I returned to my doctor. This time I was given a prescription medication called Diflucan. The doctor told me this was powerful stuff and it should clear my yeast infection for good. Once again things started to get better only to get worse. Over and over again I tried different creams and pills from my doctor only to be disappointed.
FACT: 86% of all women treating Yeast Infections with Pharmaceutical Medication suffer from reoccurrence.
(Source: Health Science Center In Memphis)
Yet another problem is that Yeast Infections are seen by most doctors as a minor affliction, as something to live with like bad breath or underarm odor. It is not seen for what it really is an indication that your body is seriously out of balance in other ways.
Yeast Infection Freedom
Click Here For Full Story!
Like so many other women who have Yeast Infections, I totally believed that doctors would help me get better. I was wrong.
I Got So Frustrated With The Advice of My Doctors I Decided To Find My Own Solution!
I was so sick of being on antibiotics and prescription drugs all the time, they just didn't work long term. So, I went from one natural doctor to another and tried every natural remedy I could which cost me thousands of dollars in trial and error.
I tried everything including garlic, caprylic acid, oil of oregano, colon cleansing, parasite cleansing, ozone, probiotics, the LifeForce Plan, the Nature Cures protocol, and the popular Threelac. I even had my dental fillings removed because of the Mercury.
Some of these treatments worked, most didn't, but just like the doctor's prescription they weren't a permanent cure. After a few weeks, my Yeast Infection returned. Yeast Infections were ruining my life and I had enough, I was determined to find the answer.
I read everything I could find from websites, books, articles, medical journals and medical textbooks. My research led me to specialized doctors from around the world.
All the experts focused on changing to a strict diet of non-starchy vegetables and meat. NO SUGAR, NO CARBS, NO FRUIT. This diet was impossible to follow long term and as soon as I cheated and ate some carbs or sugar my Yeast Infection symptoms came back immediately.
I learned that most of the treatments available today, actually makes your Yeast Infection much worse in the long run.
Every time I learned something new, I tested it. Imagine my disappointment when nothing worked. Then, as if by a miracle, I stumbled across a secret that would change my life forever.
My Yeast Infection Was Gone And To This Day Has Never Returned!
Yeast Infection Freedom
Click Here For Full Story!
After following the secrets I had learned, my Yeast Infection was gone in 3 short days. I wasn't sure at first because so many other treatments failed to work long term. Soon, days turned into weeks and nothing returned. No burning, no discharge, no pain or discomfort during sex. Just a fresh, clean feeling.
After years of suffering from the terrible and embarrassing condition, I'm final free to enjoy life again. No more avoiding intimacy with my husband. I've never felt happier.
Do You Have A Systematic Candida Infection?
If You Suffer From Persistent, Reoccurring Yeast Infections And Have Only Found Temporary Relief From Your Yeast Infections, You Most Likely Have a Systematic Candida Infection!
If you have many unexplained health symptoms and you can't seem to get rid of a reoccurring Yeast Infection, then you most likely have a systematic Candida Yeast Infection like I did.
The problem is almost all conventional treatment focus on fixing the symptoms not the root cause. To permanently free yourself from Yeast Infections you need to address the root cause, the reason you got a Yeast Infection in the first place. And that's exactly what I discovered.
Once I addressed the root cause I was free at last. I've never felt better, I sleep like a baby now, and I'm full of energy and have a new zest on life.
On top of that, all my other symptoms vanished too! Now years later, I feel incredible and I'm thankful I've been able to help so many people.
The Shocking Truth About Yeast Infection Treatments
Most conventional treatments such as Antibiotics and Anti-fungals upset the natural balance of bacteria in your vagina. In your vagina live both good and bad bacteria.
Antibiotic literally translated means "against life" - it kills bacteria indiscriminately and you need many types of bacteria to have normal healthy balance.
Medical Diagram
Taking the most commonly prescribed treatments for Yeast Infections will make your situation much, much worse. Because you're also killing the good bacteria, your body will have no defense when the Yeast returns.
Upsetting the natural balance of bacteria will cause increased discharge, odor, itching and irritation which is why most women who take traditional medication get even worse Yeast Infections within three months.
Attention MEN: This Treatment Works Great For you TOO!
If you suffer from penile yeast infections or systematic Candida you'll be happy to know that this treatment quickly and permanently relieves male yeast infections too.
You'll no longer have to worry about passing yeast infections back and forth with your partner, because once you address the root cause you'll gain a natural resistant and you'll be free of yeast infections forever.
What Kind of Results Have Other People Had With This Method?
Don't believe that all of this is possible? Read the testimonials from some of the thousands of people who have permanently relieved their Yeast Infections using this unique, 3-Step method:
Yeast Infection Freedom Success Story #1:
"I can't thank you enough for the research your doing..."
Hi Theresa,
My battle with yeast started over 10 years ago. Throughout that journey I've learned a lot about health. I could never quite get rid of my Candida, even when on a strict diet of vegetables and meat I still kinda felt sick.
This was before I read your book. I've shared what I've learned in your book with many other sufferers that I meet along the way and all of them have improved.
I can't thank you enough for the research your doing, feel free to use this on your site if you want.
Thanks again,
Yeast Infection Freedom
Click Here For Full Story!
Kathleen J. Lee, Saint Cloud, Minnesota
Yeast Infection Freedom Success Story #2:
"After a very short time I can say that I'm permanently cured!"
I don't normally write these kinds of letters but I felt I needed to do something to show my appreciation. I had one yeast infection after another and finally gave up on over the counter creams.
I tried many prescriptions but they didn't work either. Your book was one of the first things I ever bough on the internet and I'm glad I did. Once I read your book, I finally felt like I understand why I had a yeast infection.
I started your treatment right away and after a very short time I can say that I'm permanently cured!
Thank you,
Maryellen Gladney, Miami, Florida
Yeast Infection Freedom Success Story #3:
" wife is back to her good old self."
My wife sufferred with yeast infections for many years. We went to a lot of different doctors and tried a lot of treatments but nothing worked.
I took a chance on your book and I'm glad I did. Of all the books we've read, your book was the only one that had some new information, something different.
Every other book just said to avoid sugar, but that didn't seem to work completely. We did everything you said and I'm happy to say my wife is back to her good old self.
We just wanted to say thanks,
John and Marie
Yeast Infection Freedom Success Story #4:
"I can't believe how simple it was to eliminate Candida..."
I just wanted to send you a quick thank you for clearing up my yeast infection. I've suffered for years with IBS, aches and pains all over my body, headaches and foggy thoughts.
Doctors don't even recognize Candida is so prevalent. I can't believe how simple it was to eliminate Candida, I've been suffering needlessly for years. Every doctor should know your protocol.
Kathy White, Grand Valley, Pennsylvania
Yeast Infection Freedom Success Story #5:
Yeast Infection Freedom
Click Here For Full Story!
"Your book opened my eyes to the true root cause of yeast infections."
Dear Theresa,
I've had problems with reoccurring yeast infections for years. It's brought me to tears many times, it was completely ruining my life.
I can't remember the last time I enjoyed sex, it's was so painful and embarrassing. I'm was constantly washing myself so that my boyfriend wouldn't notice.
I've tried everything my doctor gave me including the prescription drug Diflucan. I've tried numerous natural treatments too. None of those worked either. When I came accross your site I decided to try it.
Your book opened my eyes to the true root cause of yeast infections. Thank you, you helped me get my life back.
Thank you forever!
Rosa D. Anselmo, Phoenix, Arizona
Yeast Infection Freedom Success Story #6:
"My tongue is back to its normal reddish-pink and my bad, yeasty breath is gone."
I've had thrush for as long as I could remember. I've tried a lot of different treatments but none worked, but that wasn't until I tried yours. My tongue is back to its normal reddish-pink and my bad, yeasty breath is gone.
Thank you and god bless.
Derek, Newark, NJ
Yeast Infection Freedom Success Story #7:
"After 8 years of misery, by battle with Candida is over. Thank you from the bottom of my heart."
Dear Theresa,
Your treatment worked like a miracle! If suffered with nightmare like symptoms related to my Candida Infection. I've been misdiagnosed with CFS and Fibromyalgia. I've been to over a dozen doctors and none of them helped.
I had constant migraines, sharp stomach pains and I it seems like I was allergic to everything. Some days it I almost couldn't get out of bed.
After years of research on my own I realized that I had a Candida infection. I did everything the experts told me, no sugar, no carbs, no fruit, no condiments, no dairy, no alcohol etc. I felt a little better but I never felt fully back to normal.
When I saw your site I was skeptical because I've tried so many treatment and none of them worked. I'm so glad I took a chance.
After 8 years of misery, by battle with Candida is over. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Amada Knutson, Caney, Kansas
Yeast Infection Freedom Success Story #8:
"'s been 3 months and I haven't had a single symptom or reoccurrence. Thanks!!!"
Yeast Infection Freedom
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Thank you so much for your advice. I finally beat my yeast infection for good. I couldn't believe it. After doing your treatment I felt so much better. I waited and waited for the symptoms to return like they always do, but it's been 3 months and I haven't had a single symptom or reoccurrence. Thanks!!!
Amber Hovatter, Brentwood, Tennessee
Finally, After Years of Research, A Simple, Inexpensive, 3-step plan To Eliminate Yeast Infections for Good
I finally pulled together all my research and the powerful secrets I stumbled on and combined it into an easy to follow three-step program that targets the root cause of Yeast Infections.
This 3-step attack plan is something that nobody else in the world has put together. By the way it is critical that you follow all three steps to help eliminate Yeast Infections forever.
The bonus to following this 3-step attack plan is that it will boost your overall health in general. I haven't had so much as a cold in over four years!
The result of my research is in my book "3 Days To Permanent Yeast Infection Freedom."
Here Is What You'll Learn By Reading 3 Days To Permanent Yeast Infection Freedom:
* The secret 3-Step, home remedy that harnesses the power of mother nature to get rid of your Yeast Infection for good
* Discover the 1 critical factor that stops yeasty odor and discharge for good, especial after sex
* How to avoid common feminine hygiene products that could be literally "rubbing" you the wrong way.
* A simple and shockingly easy treatment to get immediate relief from burning and itching using a simple ingredient that everyone has in their home
* Finally the complete and honest answer as to why you have Yeast Infections and what to do to ensure you never get it again
* A little known secret that restores optimal bacteria balance in your vagina using a 100% natural substance to ensure your Yeast Infection won't come back
* Why all the experts are wrong about sugar and the shocking truth about why you MUST have sugar to eliminate yeast infections
* The shockingly simple everyday cleanse the balances your body to restore your natural vibrant energy level and permanently eliminates chronic fatigue
* Finally, complete relief from depression, mood swings, anxiety, migraines, blurred vision, headaches, mental clarity, muscle aches and joint pain (hidden symptoms of a systemic yeast infection)
* Why Yeast Infections are a WARNING sign that something is wrong in your body and in some cases even a warning sign for much worse diseases and what you can learn and do about it
* 5 mistakes to avoid that almost everyone is guilty of, which instead of curing your Yeast Infection, weakens and destroys you body's natural ability to relieve itself (and almost everybody's doing it!)
* An amazing discover that is guaranteed to eliminate oral yeast and the white coating on your tongue that plagues over 90% of Yeast Infection sufferers
* 7 things you should know about the food you eat to reverse not only Yeast Infections but virtually all disease (ignore these and you'll be plagued with Yeast Infections forever)
* The most powerful external anti-yeast secret weapon the drug industry hopes you will never find out!
* What never to do, even if your doctor tells you to
* Uncover the root cause of a digestive problems and quickly and safely unclog your system to end bloating, heartburn and constipation for good
* Warning! Before you shower, make sure your soap doesn't contain this ingredient, a common factor in Yeast Infections
* The dirty little Yeast Infection secret that the medical industry doesn't want you to know about antibiotics
* An amazing discovery that restores your inner body that you should always use which alone is guaranteed to make you feel clean again in a matter of days
* Break the vicious cycle of recurring Yeast Infections and finally have sex whenever you want, without the embarrassment
* 3 steps to cleanse your body that not only prevent Yeast Infections, but also bacterial vaginosis and urinary tract infections (UTI)
* And many more secrets...
Yeast Infection Freedom
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That's just a small example of what you'll discover in "3 Days To Permanent Yeast Infection Freedom."
Just Imagine How Wonderful Your Life Will Be Once The Stress And Embarrassment Of Dealing With Yeast Infections Every Day Is Gone
* No more embarrassing vaginal "yeasty" odor
* No more slimy feeling
* No more itching
* No more discharge
* No more painful sex
* No more painful urination
* No more trips to deal with a bored doctor who can't help you
Long-Lasting, Permanent Results, Without Ongoing Monthly Expense
Would your curiosity be piqued if you knew that you could walk into your kitchen right now, pick out two ingredient, go to your bathroom, apply some of it and experience immediate relief from your symptoms.
Just how many hours are you spending at the doctor's or surfing all over the internet looking for a cure when you can get immediate relief from ALL of your symptoms right now.
The most popular product on the market will cost you around $65.00 for one box that only lasts one month. So, if you want to be Yeast Infection free you'll have to take this every single month. That's $780.00 per year! This book will cost you a fraction of that and will permanently rid your body of Yeast Infections.
Here's Where I help YOU Get Better
This program will work for you. I will give you the simple step-by-step directions and show you the way.
My book is jam-packed with years of scientific research, helpful information on understanding your specific type of Yeast Infection (yes, there is more than one type), and a simple, practical, and easy-to-do natural program that really works!
I can easily sell this information for over $200.00, considering the yearly costs you are already incurring with prescription drugs and over-the-counter products.
However, thanks to the reduced costs involved with doing business on the Internet and my sincere wish to HELP as many Yeast Infection sufferers as possible - I have decided to offer you immediate access to the program for the one-time cost of...Only $59.99 (Limited Time Offer - Now Only $39)
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Yeast Infection Freedom
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Saturday, 25 April 2009
Healthcare Secrets Revealed-Finally: This Physician Opens Doors To Better Health Care By Providing Strategies And Tactics Patients Can Use To Get ..
Healthcare Secrets Revealed-Finally
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"You're About To Learn Healthcare 'Secrets' Most People Will Never Discover: How To Instantly Shatter Obstacles To Your Personal Health Care Using Practical Proven Strategies Not Published Anywhere Else ........."
photo of Dr. Graham, head and shoulders view with confident healthcare smile
"If you want better healthcare than others are getting and need reliable, easy, quick, and unique methods to insure it, you need an inside track to those tactics from someone who has the inside track......this medical doctor."
Healthcare Secrets Revealed-Finally
Click Here For Full Story!
"And you thought getting top healthcare
was just a pipedream!"
What you don't know will cost you over time more money than you make in a year and more time wasted on dead ends than anyone can tolerate.
These secrets are not old bogus bits of online medical information everyone has heard or read about a dozen times before. Nor are they old ideas repainted with new-age wording. Everything provided in this highly regarded book is original, ethically sound, and practical........meaning, you've found a gold mine of fantastic healthcare information and strategies which have literally no end to the benefits it can and will provide for you.
Grab on to these "how to"
How to bring doctors to their knees practically begging to treat you
without them even realizing it.
How to effectively and comfortably communicate with your doctor.
How to use the new "insider information" to save you time and money.
How to find good doctors that you can trust and rely on.
How to avoid the frustrations and disappointments that result from mediocre
healthcare and an inefficient health care system.
How to manage the barriers to top healthcare when you can't avoid them.
Healthcare Secrets Revealed-Finally
Click Here For Full Story!
Who else has told you how to handle all these things? Nobody!
Why do you suppose that's true? Well, you probably are aware of the most common reason. Physicians
just don't take the time to relate this kind of information to patients. Most doctors think you can figure
it out by yourself, unfortunately.
This book is a "one of a kind," and opens up a whole new niche in healthcare information.
Why would you buy such a book? ......Glad you asked.
You won't find this information published anywhere else.
Every strategy and tactic is easy enough for a 12 year old to use.
Each idea can be used immediately--don't have to practice anything.
The whole process is adaptable to any age group of patients.
Real life medical practice examples are used to illustrate important issues.
This information comes from over 35 years of experience in medical practice.
I am one of the few physicians you can reach directly and ask questions of.
Every topic is focused on your obtaining top healthcare and how to do it.
You will receive reliable health information you can depend on and use.
The book discusses serious issues---with some humor added.
Photo illustrations of important points in the content may raise some eyebrows.
Because you want better medical care and no one has informed you how
to get it...till now.
Healthcare Secrets Revealed-Finally
Click Here For Full Story!
If you are expecting to be bombarded with marketing hype and unbelievable guarantees in this book, you'll be disappointed. I don't tolerate B.S. or "repaired" healthcare and medical information. The Internet and Media are saturated with outright false or unreliable information. It makes any physician disgusted at what they see and hear about back-room medical cures, false advertising about what some alternative medications can do for you, and unproven claims about diet and weight loss programs
---just to name a few.
Have you ever been confronted by any of these problems during you ventures through the health care system?
1. How to handle an irritating doctor.
2. How to deal with a nasty medical office staff member.
3. How to find the right doctor for you.
4. How to get more time with the doctor than you do now.
5. How to dump your own doctor, and leave, as friends.
6. How to communicate with your doctor and get results every time.
7. How to save time and money with smart appointment tactics.
8. How to determine the quality and capabilities of your doctor.
9. How to handle your grumpy doctor when it's necessary.
10. How to trust your doctor for the right reasons.
Are you still with me? You can't kid me. I know you're hanging on every sentence and can't wait to get to the next benefit.
These are a few of the problems patients run into while being shuffled through the healthcare system. And, frankly, I haven't been able to find any legitimate articles or books written by credible authors explaining how to manage any of these dilemmas. Seems like a "no man's land" territory in literature.
This "Healthcare Secrets Revealed--Finally" book should stimulate you to:
Recognize you have obligations to meet in order to get top medical care.
Understand you need to take control of your own health care.
Gain health education knowledge you need to use to live longer and happier.
No longer be afraid of, or intimidated by, your doctor.
Develop a plan for every office visit---and come out the door smiling every time.
Be aware of the many problems going on inside the profession which will
affect your care.
Know how to change doctors with the least disruption of your care.'s all in the book! Invest now!
Healthcare Secrets Revealed-Finally
Click Here For Full Story!
Clickbank sells our products - they are a trusted online retailer specializing in digitally delivered products.
Now you're wondering who this Dr. Graham character is. Is he just blowing smoke at me, or is he credible. Check my credentials and detailed information on my website In addition, I suggest you read some of my articles on various subjects at Probably the best place to check out my caliber is to login to the number one ranked website on the Internet for self improvement information,, and look around there for me.
The powerful impetus to help people is like an addiction to me. Just to think that I have a huge warehouse of medical experience jammed into my brain and have a way to share it with those who can benefit from it is an incredible blessing from God. I share that thought to excite you to expand on your own talents and expertise that every human soul has........and often is never recognized early enough.
This ebook contains my own sincere personal beliefs concerning health, health care, and all the facets of medical care that shadow us every living moment. I stand by what I write and say.
My Transparency Credo:
Even though the core of the health information lies in educating patients, the true focus of every selected segment of this medical information is presented in the light of being a patient advocate.....not just a healthcare advocate.
For over 35 years in solo medical practice I educated my patients about how to improve their healthcare:
with handouts and articles I wrote for them
with video teaching tapes
with written instruction sheets from post operative recovery advice to what's important to improve fertility potential.....which wasn't done in those days.
***Educating my medical patients was a highly significant factor in obtaining the best and loyal patients, and one which other physicians soon copied.
Do you have any idea of how much personal time you waste in your meandering through the health care system? Want to know how you can save that time and put it to family or productive activity uses that adds to improvement of your life and happiness?
Healthcare Secrets Revealed-Finally
Click Here For Full Story!
You'll be pleasantly surprised at how easy it is to do when you make use of all the strategies included in this four volume treatise filled with light bulb moments. Each gives disciplined advice to fertile minds. Incredibly, there is no cease fire of teaching you how to keep time by a different clock from cover to cover.
Can you find an easier way to save money than to avoid being trapped into being a victim of the health care gimmicks being used to extract your hard earned money?
Such things as avoiding repeated office visits (and co-pay), baby sitter expense, and transportation costs going back and forth should pull the curtain back on the relentless behind the scenes
monetary quicksand.
Is it actually "secrets" I'm revealing, or could it be I'm putting a new face on the chinks of the medicine delivery system you haven't considered taking advantage of in the past? And maybe even never knew about?
Has any doctor taken the time to tell you what they think about these issues? They usually take the first off-ramp on the healthcare highway that takes them directly to their goals; and patients have been primed to reluctantly accept what's given.
If you have an experienced insider guide who can pave the way to top healthcare for you, then taking control of your own healthcare is that much easier. This book is your guide for now, and a pretext of what's to come next. Aren't you curious?
What investment are you willing to make for this unique
powerhouse of medical strategies which will impact on your health?
Such a composition which contains 280 pages of diverse and complex healthcare information can be a drive-by scanner's dreams or a rich experience for more reflective readers. Because this book whets your appetite for more in-depth introspection, you may need to keep in touch with what's coming next.
Most readers lose their concentration while reading over 70 or so pages at a time. The purposeful division of the book into four sequential areas of strategies and implementation of those strategies, each of about that same length, allows you to learn and digest the health information at a pace compatible with your personal understanding and comprehension.
Healthcare Secrets Revealed--Finally!
Area 1
Focus: Discover how the health care system forces you to accept mediocre medical care and solutions for avoiding mediocre care.
Area 2
Focus: Learn the secrets of communicating with your physicians in ways that will improve your care dramatically.
Area 3
Focus: Strategies for handling your doctors in ways that capture much more of their time and attention, and which leads to top medical care.
Area 4
Focus: Finding how your personal healthcare obligations and expectations interfere with the best medical care--and how to correct them.
Books delivering this quality of health information and benefits are normally in the value price
range of $197. It's less money than you'll save in the next 6 months seeking medical care while using the strategies and tactics recommended in this book. And that doesn't even cover the value (if you put a price on that) of all the frustrations you'll avoid using the information. How much is peace of mind worth?
However, because of my primary mission to provide this healthcare information to as many needful
people as possible as well as to give a well deserved discount to those loyal friends, I have cut the price
and not the value. All the health information is included and no chapters have been left out.
$197$167$149$139kittens buddies, one paw around the other, perception being that the final purchase price of the healthcare information ebook is discounted as a friend to a friend would do. $127
graphic photo of cover of the healthcare secrets ebook with Dr. Graham's photo and bullet point information about contents
Area 1 value to you=$49
Area 2 value to you=$49
Area 3 value to you=$49
Area 4 value to you=$49
All Four $127.00 USD
Healthcare Secrets Revealed-Finally
Click Here For Full Story!
Scroll down to order.
Here's my no B.S. guarantee. You have my personal guarantee if you are not 100% satisfied with the book and information in any way your money will be politely returned down to the penny with no questions asked.
After practicing medicine for over 35 years I know that what I teach you are practical easy fast solutions to many healthcare frustrations and concerns you face over and over.
The detailed strategies will produce amazing results for you for as long as you live. If I'm right, this extraordinary information will not only help you reach top medical care but also will benefit every member of your family at the same time.
Thank you kindly (in anticipation of) for ordering my ebook, and having the urgent desire to
learn how others have already found top healthcare (medical care)----and leave the doctor's
office smiling every single office visit.
Still Undecided? For those of you who have a strong need to see more details
about the contents of the book in order to feel comfortable about investing in healthcare information that you personally need.........
Volume 1
Can’t You Find Anything Better To Do Than Trying To Improve Your Health Care?
If your answer is NO—I have some welcome surprises in store for you
If you want ammunition to fight for better health care—look no further.
Recognition and thanks is never enough
About The Author
There’s something beautiful about extending yourself to others
Extract the meaning and apply it to works
Chapter 1
Health Care System Mess:
Knowing how the system got this way may account for your nausea!
1. How did medical care get to this ugly point?
2. What is it that keeps us stonewalled?
3. Why do patients have to be the ones that have to change?
4. Why the health care system won't change.
5. The shift in health care responsibility sucks.
Chapter 2
Lord, Please Don't Let Me Get Sick:
Does it really matter what happens to you?
1. How the health care system affects us.
2. Do you remember how health care used to be.
3. What should you expect from the health care system in the future?
4. Whose in charge of the health care system?
5. The knack of surviving the health care gauntlet.
Chapter 3
Relating To Your Doctor:
How to find out who your doctor really is.
1. Qualities to look for in a good doctor.
2. How to find the perfect doctor.
3. Personality patterns are easy to detect.
4. The practice credos of your doctor
5. Late arriving of the doctor's real self.
Chapter 4
Jousting With Your Doctor's Office Staff:
Learning how to wrestle any mean nurse to the floor.
1. Dealing with an office staff person that "burns" you.
2. Good options.
3. Bad options—No Hitting!
4. Eventual outcomes for the better.
Volume 2
Chapter 5
If You Don't Like Your Doctor:
How to handle an aggravating doctor.
1. Options for patients.
2. Reasons for your dislike.
3. Looking for a new doctor?
4. How to dump your present doctor and still be friends.
5. Why it’s important not to use anger when departing.
6. Persistence of the bad “first impression” thoughts.
Chapter 6
How To Communicate With Your Doctor:
Secrets on how to talk to your doctor.
1. Best was to get to your doctor.
2. Worst ways to communicate.
3. Most efficient and time saving ways to communicate with your doctor.
4. Times when stress shows through a doctor’s veneer.
5. Patience and reasonableness always win.
Healthcare Secrets Revealed-Finally
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Chapter 7
What Is A Doctor’s Usual Work Day Like? You Need To Know!
How the doctor’s workday affects you as a patient.
1. Morning
2. Noon
3. Afternoon
4. Evening
Chapter 8
Smart Appointment Strategies:
How to be smart about appointments—otherwise suffer.
1. Doctor’s office scheduling methods aren’t perfect.
2. How to save yourself a lot of time with appointment scheduling.
3. Handling interrupted appointments.
4. Bending the rules does work if…………..
Volume 3
Chapter 9
Techniques To Use To Grab More Time With The Doctor:
How to make each minute last for 5 minutes.
1. Written lists of symptoms, medical problems, and questions.
2. Medication lists—and not just the name of the medication.
3. Scant and missing medical information on the history form will come back
to harm you.
4. Prioritize your questions you intend to ask the doctor.
5. You have only 8 minutes with the doctor—no small talk.
Chapter 10
How To Handle Your Doctor:
How to worm your way into his-her arena and play the game.
1. How to handle your doctor when you need to.
2. Combat tactics to use against doctors who are too hurried to care.
3. Controlling the factors that allow you more time with the doctor during the visit.
4. Handling the discussion part of the visit.
5. Learning little secrets (more details of how it helps you).
Chapter 11
Can You Trust Your Doctor To Treat Your Illness Properly?
How to find trust where it may be hidden.
1. Clues to look for when your doctor is behind the times.
2. How d doctors keep their medical knowledge current?
3. Consultation substitutes for lack of medical know how.
4. Your track record of cures by your doctor is compelling proof.
5. Explains everything---is a good sign.
6. Does the doctor listen to you?
7. Good follow-up says a lot about a doctor’s reliability.
Chapter 12
How To Make It Easier For Your Doctor To Treat You:
If you want the best care, here’s how to get it.
1. It’s worth the effort.
2. Good communication is all it’s bragged up to be.
3. Educate yourself about your own illness (ailments).
4. How lack of trust makes it hard for the doctor to treat you.
5. Personality clashes.
6. How follow-up can make treating you easier.
Chapter 13
Looking At The Doctor’s Side Of An Office Visit:
How to obtain the WORST health care possible.
1. Faking symptoms or illness.
2. Children in the exam room.
3. Trading medical problems for attention.
4. Misinterpretation of explanations and options.
5. Doctor personalities that trash your medical care.
Volume 4
Chapter 14
Rules Of Engagement:
How to reach hallowed ground—without losing the battle.
1. Being obstinate to recommended medical treatment has repercussions.
2. Marching in with your rigid rules of how you must be managed.
3. Family members overruling medical advice.
4. Patient’s decisions that conflict with ethical medical practice.
5. If the doctor refuses to treat you.
6. Relying on what you read or heard rather than the doctor’s advice.
7. Maneuvering through the office maze—and elsewhere.
Chapter 15
Patient Obligations In Health Care:
How to avoid the seven greatest barriers to good medical care.
Healthcare Secrets Revealed-Finally
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1. What is it that is expected of you?
2. Some simple and easy obligations.
3. Important obligations—if you snooze, you lose.
Chapter 16
Expectations For Health Care Treatment:
How to move your expectations into the world of reality.
1. Expectations mask reality.
2. Dangers of not meeting expectations.
3. Complications and expectations.
4. Medical errors go well beyond medications.
5. Recurrences of disease or medical problems.
6. Medical or surgical outcomes may not be optimal.
Chapter 17
Doctor’s Normal Obligations In Medical Care:
How obligations differ from guarantees.
1. Physician’s oath says, “Do no harm?”
2. Respect all patients regardless of ethnic or cultural differences.
3. Maintain medical knowledge and expertise.
4. Reveal common risks, potential complications, and side effects of medical
and surgical procedures and medications.
5. Follow the ethical and moral standards of the profession.
6. Practice within the medical law and standards of the state where they practice.
7. Make known the risks of not following medical advice.
Chapter 18
Advantages of medical care by mid-level providers:
Learn who they are and what they do.
1. Use of the whole health care team.
2. My take on the mid-level health care providers.
Chapter 19
Autopsy Report:
When all issues are under the microscope, and all the pieces are put together, your
conclusions may put “life” back into your personal “doctor-patient relationship.”
Appendix 1
What the Hippocratic Oath “really” says!
In addition, you don’t know the half of it!
Appendix 2
The Law of Hippocrates:
Hippocrates own view of physician responsibility and morality.
Appendix 3
Medical Caduceus and Staff of Asclepius:
Confusion about the logo representing physicians and medical care.
Appendix 4
Disclaimers: It’s how we protect ourselves legally from unrealistic expectations.
This ebook should be considered as a foundation for the best healthcare you and your family will obtain for years to come and beyond.
Healthcare Secrets Revealed-Finally
Click Here For Full Story!
group of dogs crowded together with a fox in the middle, indicating that there are many free benefits hidden in my ebook as well as gifts on the download page.Hidden like a fox, there are many free gifts for you that you will find on your download page. If purchased at retail prices at your local bookstore these
would cost you well over $150.
Some might consider this a bribe to buy my book--it is! But what is not so obvious is that I have chosen a mixture of products which is meant to touch each of you in one way or another in a way that excites you mind, tickles your soul, and motivates your hope for a better life. You won't
be disappointed.
How to order: After clicking the order button you will be taken to the Clickbank payment system. From there you will be sent directly to the download page where healthcare secrets are revealed. Need better medical care?
Clickbank sells our products - they are a trusted online retailer specializing in digitally delivered products.
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We guarantee your private information will never be released to anyone outside our encoded secure website.
"The cause of man's problem is lack of knowledge. It does not stem from a shortage of information, but rather from rejection
of information." Hosea 4:6
Refunds end in 60 days from date of purchase.
May your health never be disregarded,
handwritten signature Dr. GrahamDr. Grahams healthcare business symbol/icon health steps
Curtis Graham, M.D., FACOG, FACS
CEO and OWNER L. & C. Internet Enterprises, Inc.
Expert author--
P.S. These are reasons others have purchased
"Healthcare Secrets Revealed-Finally":
1. Patients are aware that their doctors are in such a hurry that they won't take the time to explain everything. Using these strategies patients can significantly increase their time with the doctor--top healthcare.
2. Patients understand their increasing need to take on the responsibility for their own health. Spoon-feeding healthcare providers are a disappearing generation. Ways to easily accomplish that are detailed in this book.
3. Patients have memories of how medical technology has improved medical diagnosis and care, but at the same time the delivery of that healthcare is becoming intolerable. Learning how to avoid the healthcare system barriers and manage the rest of them are featured in the book.
4. When patients know about and understand the problems in delivery of their healthcare, they are able to grasp the right timing and tactics which lead to top healthcare. Those issues and solutions are included in the book.
5. Patients have come to realize their own health education is critical to maintaining and improving their own care. Discovering the resources for health education which are reliable, understandable, and practical are provided in the book.
6. Gradual disintegration of the doctor-patient relationship has reached a point that patients lose trust in doctors. Tactics and strategies for the grass-roots improvement of that interaction are a major part of the book.
P.P.S. Look again at what you are purchasing:
Rare medical and healthcare information that's not published anywhere else.
Accumulated wisdom and experience directly from a physician's mouth.
Cutting edge healthcare strategies you will never stop using.
Direct communication with this physician if you wish.
Healthcare tactics that allow you and your family to obtain top medical care.
Healthcare Secrets Revealed-Finally
Click Here For Full Story!
Click Here For Full Story!
"You're About To Learn Healthcare 'Secrets' Most People Will Never Discover: How To Instantly Shatter Obstacles To Your Personal Health Care Using Practical Proven Strategies Not Published Anywhere Else ........."
photo of Dr. Graham, head and shoulders view with confident healthcare smile
"If you want better healthcare than others are getting and need reliable, easy, quick, and unique methods to insure it, you need an inside track to those tactics from someone who has the inside track......this medical doctor."
Healthcare Secrets Revealed-Finally
Click Here For Full Story!
"And you thought getting top healthcare
was just a pipedream!"
What you don't know will cost you over time more money than you make in a year and more time wasted on dead ends than anyone can tolerate.
These secrets are not old bogus bits of online medical information everyone has heard or read about a dozen times before. Nor are they old ideas repainted with new-age wording. Everything provided in this highly regarded book is original, ethically sound, and practical........meaning, you've found a gold mine of fantastic healthcare information and strategies which have literally no end to the benefits it can and will provide for you.
Grab on to these "how to"
How to bring doctors to their knees practically begging to treat you
without them even realizing it.
How to effectively and comfortably communicate with your doctor.
How to use the new "insider information" to save you time and money.
How to find good doctors that you can trust and rely on.
How to avoid the frustrations and disappointments that result from mediocre
healthcare and an inefficient health care system.
How to manage the barriers to top healthcare when you can't avoid them.
Healthcare Secrets Revealed-Finally
Click Here For Full Story!
Who else has told you how to handle all these things? Nobody!
Why do you suppose that's true? Well, you probably are aware of the most common reason. Physicians
just don't take the time to relate this kind of information to patients. Most doctors think you can figure
it out by yourself, unfortunately.
This book is a "one of a kind," and opens up a whole new niche in healthcare information.
Why would you buy such a book? ......Glad you asked.
You won't find this information published anywhere else.
Every strategy and tactic is easy enough for a 12 year old to use.
Each idea can be used immediately--don't have to practice anything.
The whole process is adaptable to any age group of patients.
Real life medical practice examples are used to illustrate important issues.
This information comes from over 35 years of experience in medical practice.
I am one of the few physicians you can reach directly and ask questions of.
Every topic is focused on your obtaining top healthcare and how to do it.
You will receive reliable health information you can depend on and use.
The book discusses serious issues---with some humor added.
Photo illustrations of important points in the content may raise some eyebrows.
Because you want better medical care and no one has informed you how
to get it...till now.
Healthcare Secrets Revealed-Finally
Click Here For Full Story!
If you are expecting to be bombarded with marketing hype and unbelievable guarantees in this book, you'll be disappointed. I don't tolerate B.S. or "repaired" healthcare and medical information. The Internet and Media are saturated with outright false or unreliable information. It makes any physician disgusted at what they see and hear about back-room medical cures, false advertising about what some alternative medications can do for you, and unproven claims about diet and weight loss programs
---just to name a few.
Have you ever been confronted by any of these problems during you ventures through the health care system?
1. How to handle an irritating doctor.
2. How to deal with a nasty medical office staff member.
3. How to find the right doctor for you.
4. How to get more time with the doctor than you do now.
5. How to dump your own doctor, and leave, as friends.
6. How to communicate with your doctor and get results every time.
7. How to save time and money with smart appointment tactics.
8. How to determine the quality and capabilities of your doctor.
9. How to handle your grumpy doctor when it's necessary.
10. How to trust your doctor for the right reasons.
Are you still with me? You can't kid me. I know you're hanging on every sentence and can't wait to get to the next benefit.
These are a few of the problems patients run into while being shuffled through the healthcare system. And, frankly, I haven't been able to find any legitimate articles or books written by credible authors explaining how to manage any of these dilemmas. Seems like a "no man's land" territory in literature.
This "Healthcare Secrets Revealed--Finally" book should stimulate you to:
Recognize you have obligations to meet in order to get top medical care.
Understand you need to take control of your own health care.
Gain health education knowledge you need to use to live longer and happier.
No longer be afraid of, or intimidated by, your doctor.
Develop a plan for every office visit---and come out the door smiling every time.
Be aware of the many problems going on inside the profession which will
affect your care.
Know how to change doctors with the least disruption of your care.'s all in the book! Invest now!
Healthcare Secrets Revealed-Finally
Click Here For Full Story!
Clickbank sells our products - they are a trusted online retailer specializing in digitally delivered products.
Now you're wondering who this Dr. Graham character is. Is he just blowing smoke at me, or is he credible. Check my credentials and detailed information on my website In addition, I suggest you read some of my articles on various subjects at Probably the best place to check out my caliber is to login to the number one ranked website on the Internet for self improvement information,, and look around there for me.
The powerful impetus to help people is like an addiction to me. Just to think that I have a huge warehouse of medical experience jammed into my brain and have a way to share it with those who can benefit from it is an incredible blessing from God. I share that thought to excite you to expand on your own talents and expertise that every human soul has........and often is never recognized early enough.
This ebook contains my own sincere personal beliefs concerning health, health care, and all the facets of medical care that shadow us every living moment. I stand by what I write and say.
My Transparency Credo:
Even though the core of the health information lies in educating patients, the true focus of every selected segment of this medical information is presented in the light of being a patient advocate.....not just a healthcare advocate.
For over 35 years in solo medical practice I educated my patients about how to improve their healthcare:
with handouts and articles I wrote for them
with video teaching tapes
with written instruction sheets from post operative recovery advice to what's important to improve fertility potential.....which wasn't done in those days.
***Educating my medical patients was a highly significant factor in obtaining the best and loyal patients, and one which other physicians soon copied.
Do you have any idea of how much personal time you waste in your meandering through the health care system? Want to know how you can save that time and put it to family or productive activity uses that adds to improvement of your life and happiness?
Healthcare Secrets Revealed-Finally
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You'll be pleasantly surprised at how easy it is to do when you make use of all the strategies included in this four volume treatise filled with light bulb moments. Each gives disciplined advice to fertile minds. Incredibly, there is no cease fire of teaching you how to keep time by a different clock from cover to cover.
Can you find an easier way to save money than to avoid being trapped into being a victim of the health care gimmicks being used to extract your hard earned money?
Such things as avoiding repeated office visits (and co-pay), baby sitter expense, and transportation costs going back and forth should pull the curtain back on the relentless behind the scenes
monetary quicksand.
Is it actually "secrets" I'm revealing, or could it be I'm putting a new face on the chinks of the medicine delivery system you haven't considered taking advantage of in the past? And maybe even never knew about?
Has any doctor taken the time to tell you what they think about these issues? They usually take the first off-ramp on the healthcare highway that takes them directly to their goals; and patients have been primed to reluctantly accept what's given.
If you have an experienced insider guide who can pave the way to top healthcare for you, then taking control of your own healthcare is that much easier. This book is your guide for now, and a pretext of what's to come next. Aren't you curious?
What investment are you willing to make for this unique
powerhouse of medical strategies which will impact on your health?
Such a composition which contains 280 pages of diverse and complex healthcare information can be a drive-by scanner's dreams or a rich experience for more reflective readers. Because this book whets your appetite for more in-depth introspection, you may need to keep in touch with what's coming next.
Most readers lose their concentration while reading over 70 or so pages at a time. The purposeful division of the book into four sequential areas of strategies and implementation of those strategies, each of about that same length, allows you to learn and digest the health information at a pace compatible with your personal understanding and comprehension.
Healthcare Secrets Revealed--Finally!
Area 1
Focus: Discover how the health care system forces you to accept mediocre medical care and solutions for avoiding mediocre care.
Area 2
Focus: Learn the secrets of communicating with your physicians in ways that will improve your care dramatically.
Area 3
Focus: Strategies for handling your doctors in ways that capture much more of their time and attention, and which leads to top medical care.
Area 4
Focus: Finding how your personal healthcare obligations and expectations interfere with the best medical care--and how to correct them.
Books delivering this quality of health information and benefits are normally in the value price
range of $197. It's less money than you'll save in the next 6 months seeking medical care while using the strategies and tactics recommended in this book. And that doesn't even cover the value (if you put a price on that) of all the frustrations you'll avoid using the information. How much is peace of mind worth?
However, because of my primary mission to provide this healthcare information to as many needful
people as possible as well as to give a well deserved discount to those loyal friends, I have cut the price
and not the value. All the health information is included and no chapters have been left out.
$197$167$149$139kittens buddies, one paw around the other, perception being that the final purchase price of the healthcare information ebook is discounted as a friend to a friend would do. $127
graphic photo of cover of the healthcare secrets ebook with Dr. Graham's photo and bullet point information about contents
Area 1 value to you=$49
Area 2 value to you=$49
Area 3 value to you=$49
Area 4 value to you=$49
All Four $127.00 USD
Healthcare Secrets Revealed-Finally
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Scroll down to order.
Here's my no B.S. guarantee. You have my personal guarantee if you are not 100% satisfied with the book and information in any way your money will be politely returned down to the penny with no questions asked.
After practicing medicine for over 35 years I know that what I teach you are practical easy fast solutions to many healthcare frustrations and concerns you face over and over.
The detailed strategies will produce amazing results for you for as long as you live. If I'm right, this extraordinary information will not only help you reach top medical care but also will benefit every member of your family at the same time.
Thank you kindly (in anticipation of) for ordering my ebook, and having the urgent desire to
learn how others have already found top healthcare (medical care)----and leave the doctor's
office smiling every single office visit.
Still Undecided? For those of you who have a strong need to see more details
about the contents of the book in order to feel comfortable about investing in healthcare information that you personally need.........
Volume 1
Can’t You Find Anything Better To Do Than Trying To Improve Your Health Care?
If your answer is NO—I have some welcome surprises in store for you
If you want ammunition to fight for better health care—look no further.
Recognition and thanks is never enough
About The Author
There’s something beautiful about extending yourself to others
Extract the meaning and apply it to works
Chapter 1
Health Care System Mess:
Knowing how the system got this way may account for your nausea!
1. How did medical care get to this ugly point?
2. What is it that keeps us stonewalled?
3. Why do patients have to be the ones that have to change?
4. Why the health care system won't change.
5. The shift in health care responsibility sucks.
Chapter 2
Lord, Please Don't Let Me Get Sick:
Does it really matter what happens to you?
1. How the health care system affects us.
2. Do you remember how health care used to be.
3. What should you expect from the health care system in the future?
4. Whose in charge of the health care system?
5. The knack of surviving the health care gauntlet.
Chapter 3
Relating To Your Doctor:
How to find out who your doctor really is.
1. Qualities to look for in a good doctor.
2. How to find the perfect doctor.
3. Personality patterns are easy to detect.
4. The practice credos of your doctor
5. Late arriving of the doctor's real self.
Chapter 4
Jousting With Your Doctor's Office Staff:
Learning how to wrestle any mean nurse to the floor.
1. Dealing with an office staff person that "burns" you.
2. Good options.
3. Bad options—No Hitting!
4. Eventual outcomes for the better.
Volume 2
Chapter 5
If You Don't Like Your Doctor:
How to handle an aggravating doctor.
1. Options for patients.
2. Reasons for your dislike.
3. Looking for a new doctor?
4. How to dump your present doctor and still be friends.
5. Why it’s important not to use anger when departing.
6. Persistence of the bad “first impression” thoughts.
Chapter 6
How To Communicate With Your Doctor:
Secrets on how to talk to your doctor.
1. Best was to get to your doctor.
2. Worst ways to communicate.
3. Most efficient and time saving ways to communicate with your doctor.
4. Times when stress shows through a doctor’s veneer.
5. Patience and reasonableness always win.
Healthcare Secrets Revealed-Finally
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Chapter 7
What Is A Doctor’s Usual Work Day Like? You Need To Know!
How the doctor’s workday affects you as a patient.
1. Morning
2. Noon
3. Afternoon
4. Evening
Chapter 8
Smart Appointment Strategies:
How to be smart about appointments—otherwise suffer.
1. Doctor’s office scheduling methods aren’t perfect.
2. How to save yourself a lot of time with appointment scheduling.
3. Handling interrupted appointments.
4. Bending the rules does work if…………..
Volume 3
Chapter 9
Techniques To Use To Grab More Time With The Doctor:
How to make each minute last for 5 minutes.
1. Written lists of symptoms, medical problems, and questions.
2. Medication lists—and not just the name of the medication.
3. Scant and missing medical information on the history form will come back
to harm you.
4. Prioritize your questions you intend to ask the doctor.
5. You have only 8 minutes with the doctor—no small talk.
Chapter 10
How To Handle Your Doctor:
How to worm your way into his-her arena and play the game.
1. How to handle your doctor when you need to.
2. Combat tactics to use against doctors who are too hurried to care.
3. Controlling the factors that allow you more time with the doctor during the visit.
4. Handling the discussion part of the visit.
5. Learning little secrets (more details of how it helps you).
Chapter 11
Can You Trust Your Doctor To Treat Your Illness Properly?
How to find trust where it may be hidden.
1. Clues to look for when your doctor is behind the times.
2. How d doctors keep their medical knowledge current?
3. Consultation substitutes for lack of medical know how.
4. Your track record of cures by your doctor is compelling proof.
5. Explains everything---is a good sign.
6. Does the doctor listen to you?
7. Good follow-up says a lot about a doctor’s reliability.
Chapter 12
How To Make It Easier For Your Doctor To Treat You:
If you want the best care, here’s how to get it.
1. It’s worth the effort.
2. Good communication is all it’s bragged up to be.
3. Educate yourself about your own illness (ailments).
4. How lack of trust makes it hard for the doctor to treat you.
5. Personality clashes.
6. How follow-up can make treating you easier.
Chapter 13
Looking At The Doctor’s Side Of An Office Visit:
How to obtain the WORST health care possible.
1. Faking symptoms or illness.
2. Children in the exam room.
3. Trading medical problems for attention.
4. Misinterpretation of explanations and options.
5. Doctor personalities that trash your medical care.
Volume 4
Chapter 14
Rules Of Engagement:
How to reach hallowed ground—without losing the battle.
1. Being obstinate to recommended medical treatment has repercussions.
2. Marching in with your rigid rules of how you must be managed.
3. Family members overruling medical advice.
4. Patient’s decisions that conflict with ethical medical practice.
5. If the doctor refuses to treat you.
6. Relying on what you read or heard rather than the doctor’s advice.
7. Maneuvering through the office maze—and elsewhere.
Chapter 15
Patient Obligations In Health Care:
How to avoid the seven greatest barriers to good medical care.
Healthcare Secrets Revealed-Finally
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1. What is it that is expected of you?
2. Some simple and easy obligations.
3. Important obligations—if you snooze, you lose.
Chapter 16
Expectations For Health Care Treatment:
How to move your expectations into the world of reality.
1. Expectations mask reality.
2. Dangers of not meeting expectations.
3. Complications and expectations.
4. Medical errors go well beyond medications.
5. Recurrences of disease or medical problems.
6. Medical or surgical outcomes may not be optimal.
Chapter 17
Doctor’s Normal Obligations In Medical Care:
How obligations differ from guarantees.
1. Physician’s oath says, “Do no harm?”
2. Respect all patients regardless of ethnic or cultural differences.
3. Maintain medical knowledge and expertise.
4. Reveal common risks, potential complications, and side effects of medical
and surgical procedures and medications.
5. Follow the ethical and moral standards of the profession.
6. Practice within the medical law and standards of the state where they practice.
7. Make known the risks of not following medical advice.
Chapter 18
Advantages of medical care by mid-level providers:
Learn who they are and what they do.
1. Use of the whole health care team.
2. My take on the mid-level health care providers.
Chapter 19
Autopsy Report:
When all issues are under the microscope, and all the pieces are put together, your
conclusions may put “life” back into your personal “doctor-patient relationship.”
Appendix 1
What the Hippocratic Oath “really” says!
In addition, you don’t know the half of it!
Appendix 2
The Law of Hippocrates:
Hippocrates own view of physician responsibility and morality.
Appendix 3
Medical Caduceus and Staff of Asclepius:
Confusion about the logo representing physicians and medical care.
Appendix 4
Disclaimers: It’s how we protect ourselves legally from unrealistic expectations.
This ebook should be considered as a foundation for the best healthcare you and your family will obtain for years to come and beyond.
Healthcare Secrets Revealed-Finally
Click Here For Full Story!
group of dogs crowded together with a fox in the middle, indicating that there are many free benefits hidden in my ebook as well as gifts on the download page.Hidden like a fox, there are many free gifts for you that you will find on your download page. If purchased at retail prices at your local bookstore these
would cost you well over $150.
Some might consider this a bribe to buy my book--it is! But what is not so obvious is that I have chosen a mixture of products which is meant to touch each of you in one way or another in a way that excites you mind, tickles your soul, and motivates your hope for a better life. You won't
be disappointed.
How to order: After clicking the order button you will be taken to the Clickbank payment system. From there you will be sent directly to the download page where healthcare secrets are revealed. Need better medical care?
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"The cause of man's problem is lack of knowledge. It does not stem from a shortage of information, but rather from rejection
of information." Hosea 4:6
Refunds end in 60 days from date of purchase.
May your health never be disregarded,
handwritten signature Dr. GrahamDr. Grahams healthcare business symbol/icon health steps
Curtis Graham, M.D., FACOG, FACS
CEO and OWNER L. & C. Internet Enterprises, Inc.
Expert author--
P.S. These are reasons others have purchased
"Healthcare Secrets Revealed-Finally":
1. Patients are aware that their doctors are in such a hurry that they won't take the time to explain everything. Using these strategies patients can significantly increase their time with the doctor--top healthcare.
2. Patients understand their increasing need to take on the responsibility for their own health. Spoon-feeding healthcare providers are a disappearing generation. Ways to easily accomplish that are detailed in this book.
3. Patients have memories of how medical technology has improved medical diagnosis and care, but at the same time the delivery of that healthcare is becoming intolerable. Learning how to avoid the healthcare system barriers and manage the rest of them are featured in the book.
4. When patients know about and understand the problems in delivery of their healthcare, they are able to grasp the right timing and tactics which lead to top healthcare. Those issues and solutions are included in the book.
5. Patients have come to realize their own health education is critical to maintaining and improving their own care. Discovering the resources for health education which are reliable, understandable, and practical are provided in the book.
6. Gradual disintegration of the doctor-patient relationship has reached a point that patients lose trust in doctors. Tactics and strategies for the grass-roots improvement of that interaction are a major part of the book.
P.P.S. Look again at what you are purchasing:
Rare medical and healthcare information that's not published anywhere else.
Accumulated wisdom and experience directly from a physician's mouth.
Cutting edge healthcare strategies you will never stop using.
Direct communication with this physician if you wish.
Healthcare tactics that allow you and your family to obtain top medical care.
Healthcare Secrets Revealed-Finally
Click Here For Full Story!
Thursday, 23 April 2009
Cure Chronic Pelvic Pain in 3 weeks
Thanks To This Powerful Discovery, Now Millions Men and Women can easily be cured from various chronic illnesses within few weeks! Discover a new treatment method to cure Chronic Pelvic Pain quickly and effectively.We’ll show you how Chronic Pelvic Pain and all symptoms related to it can be cured within few weeks with 100% success.
Cure Chronic Pelvic Pain in 3 weeks
Click Here For Full Story!
The treatment is very easy to follow and almost effortless.
You will see how it can be cured in as little as three weeks. Some of you will get cured within one week using methods shown in the book.
We'll save you another pointless visit to the doctor the one you've been seeing for years and didn't get the desired results.
You will also see why other treatments like Trigger Point Therapy, Accupuncture, Antibiotics and other medications never worked for you.
Dear Chronic Pelvic Pain Sufferer,
You are about to discover the most sophisticated treatment for Chronic pelvic Pain and how to quickly and permanently cure it. You will find out what scientists was missing during centuries of research, you will no longer need to guess what causes all these problems to you, you will no longer need to expect for some miracle to happen. All answers you've been looking for are in this ebook!
Cure Chronic Pelvic Pain in 3 weeks
Click Here For Full Story!
Success Story #1
Vytas, Thank you for a wonderful resource. The methods outlined in your book are simple yet remarkably effective. I have suffered from Chronic Prostatitis for years, including candida infections and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Since I have bought your book and carefully went through I was able to finally kiss those horrible symptoms goodbye. I no longer suffer from gas or constipation and I try to maintain the healthy dietary principals in the book so far with great success. Tremendously rewarding resource.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"
-- David (New Jersey, USA)
Success Story #2
"Hello Vytas, When I was first diagnosed with Chronic Prostatitis, my doctor specifically told me it was a condition I would have to live with. Luckily I stumbled onto your website and ordered your wonderful book. I was so fascinated by the whole information and I immediately started to implement it. I was amazed and thrilled to find out that in less than 10 days, the symptoms that were driving me insane for so long, had dramatically decreased and my condition is still improving. No more Tums and sleepless nights for me…
Thank you and God bless!"
-- James (Victoria, Australia)
Cure Chronic Pelvic Pain in 3 weeks
Click Here For Full Story!
Success Story#3
"I have been a Pelvic Pain sufferer for years. I have always thought that taking antidepressants and painkillers was going to be an integral part of my daily routine since I was specifically told by several doctors that there was no cure for migraine. I’m so glad they were all wrong! I have followed your treatment and the improvement was truly remarkable. However, what really boggled my mind was that in less than a month all my migraine symptoms were eliminated. I experience no more pain and I sleep like a baby. Your program was so easy to implement it is a godsend.
Thank you for your help..."
-- Jesica (South Yarra, Australia)
Success Story #4
"I had suffered badly from Chronic Pelvic Pain, I felt as if I was dying,I begged my doctor to be hospitalized. My doctor had insisted that Chronic Pelvic Pain is a lifetime condition and that there was no cure. Your book sounded very appealing and since I had nothing to lose, I bought your book and followed your program to the tee. I was really blown away by the fact that in approx 20 days I was completely cured. This is amazing and I was so excited I had to drop you a thank you note. It really feels like magic.
thanks ...for everything! "
-- Katherine (Kent, UK)
What makes this newly discovered treatment so Unique...
It makes Chronic Pelvic Pain no longer chronic because it takes very short time to cure. Shows exactly what causes the illness and what you have to do in order to remain fit.
And most importantly puts you in control.You will know what to do and how to do it.
Why should you believe me...
There are thousands of books and dozens of people claiming to be experts. However, very few of these so-called "experts" practice what they preach or have the credentials to back up their claims. Since you're probably wondering how this book is different, here's a little story:
10 years ago I got ill at the beginning I thought it was just a flu or cold.After few weeks I still fell the same and realized that it was something else rather than flu and decided to see a doctor.To make long story short I was diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue which after six month turned into Chronic Prostatitis and the next 5 years I spent a fortune seeing different doctors and unfortunately none of them was capable of helping me except prescribing various antibiotics. The difference between ordinary doctor and Ph.D. was that Ph.D. tells you what symptoms you experiencing and to ordinary doctor you have to explain what you experience and he still thinks "you are from Mars".
Cure Chronic Pelvic Pain in 3 weeks
Click Here For Full Story!
After 5 years I lost hope and belief that medical science would finally find the answer so many people are looking for, decided to use my inventors ability and find the answer myself.I spent hours at the library reading stacks of books and magazines about health and nutrition. I have read hundreds of medicine books. My library grew to over 100 health and nutrition books, but book is one thing and it's not the same as knowledge from actual experience.
I tried every treatment known to science and natural health with conviction, desire and hope that it would make a difference. That it would finally eliminate my Chronic Prostatitis.
After more than 5 years of hard work and research on a daily basis, after several success moments and long processes of trial and self experiments,I could finally yell "Eureka".To my surprise the solution was far more simpler then everybody was looking for it doesn't even require new drugs because they already exist and are used for different illness. From all the truths and evidence, misconceptions and myths... the puzzle was finally solved. It took me around a year to polish and refine my discovery and share it with you.
Success Story#5
"Dear Vytas, I have been suffering from Chronic Prostatis for the past 6 years. The pain was experienced almost constantly and I was treated with different antibiotics but unfortunately these didn't help me at all. When I first came across your book I didn’t quite know what to expect and was very skeptical. Now, although I still found some of the theories in the book to be quite overwhelming, I cannot argue with the results. Three weeks after applying your methods, I became completely regular and free from annoying and painful symptoms. This is truly a miracle. You’ve been very supportive and kind. God bless you!"
-- George (Utah, USA)
Success Story#6
"Vytas, your book holds very vital and crucial information and must be read by everyone. I have been plagued with CPPS and also frequent headaches, constipation, fatigue for about 3 years,but I was lucky to come across your book. By following steps in your book, I have experienced dramatic relief and many of the symptoms I used to suffer from on a daily basis have disappeared. This book is a very valuable resource and tremendously helpful to say the least.
God bless you and your family!"
-- Sam (Nebraska, USA )
Cure Chronic Pelvic Pain in 3 weeks
Click Here For Full Story!
Who is this book for...
For everyone who frequently experience at least one of the folowing symptoms:
Aching Neck and Shoulders
Needing Pass Urine Frequently
Legs of Iron/Restless Legs
Sleeping Difficulties/Difficulties to Wake Up
What will you learn from my book...
The book explain exactly what is happening in the body that causes chronic pain that nobody ever realized before.
It show how to cure the real cause of pain instead of concentrating on the area of the pain.
Shows why drugs don't have any influence on the pain.
Why healthy eating sometimes can be more harmful than helpful
How simply and cheaply get rid of the chronic pain.
This ebook costs only $29.95!Instant delivery!
It's risk free 60 day money back guarantee!
Cure Chronic Pelvic Pain in 3 weeks
Click Here For Full Story!
Cure Chronic Pelvic Pain in 3 weeks
Click Here For Full Story!
The treatment is very easy to follow and almost effortless.
You will see how it can be cured in as little as three weeks. Some of you will get cured within one week using methods shown in the book.
We'll save you another pointless visit to the doctor the one you've been seeing for years and didn't get the desired results.
You will also see why other treatments like Trigger Point Therapy, Accupuncture, Antibiotics and other medications never worked for you.
Dear Chronic Pelvic Pain Sufferer,
You are about to discover the most sophisticated treatment for Chronic pelvic Pain and how to quickly and permanently cure it. You will find out what scientists was missing during centuries of research, you will no longer need to guess what causes all these problems to you, you will no longer need to expect for some miracle to happen. All answers you've been looking for are in this ebook!
Cure Chronic Pelvic Pain in 3 weeks
Click Here For Full Story!
Success Story #1
Vytas, Thank you for a wonderful resource. The methods outlined in your book are simple yet remarkably effective. I have suffered from Chronic Prostatitis for years, including candida infections and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Since I have bought your book and carefully went through I was able to finally kiss those horrible symptoms goodbye. I no longer suffer from gas or constipation and I try to maintain the healthy dietary principals in the book so far with great success. Tremendously rewarding resource.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"
-- David (New Jersey, USA)
Success Story #2
"Hello Vytas, When I was first diagnosed with Chronic Prostatitis, my doctor specifically told me it was a condition I would have to live with. Luckily I stumbled onto your website and ordered your wonderful book. I was so fascinated by the whole information and I immediately started to implement it. I was amazed and thrilled to find out that in less than 10 days, the symptoms that were driving me insane for so long, had dramatically decreased and my condition is still improving. No more Tums and sleepless nights for me…
Thank you and God bless!"
-- James (Victoria, Australia)
Cure Chronic Pelvic Pain in 3 weeks
Click Here For Full Story!
Success Story#3
"I have been a Pelvic Pain sufferer for years. I have always thought that taking antidepressants and painkillers was going to be an integral part of my daily routine since I was specifically told by several doctors that there was no cure for migraine. I’m so glad they were all wrong! I have followed your treatment and the improvement was truly remarkable. However, what really boggled my mind was that in less than a month all my migraine symptoms were eliminated. I experience no more pain and I sleep like a baby. Your program was so easy to implement it is a godsend.
Thank you for your help..."
-- Jesica (South Yarra, Australia)
Success Story #4
"I had suffered badly from Chronic Pelvic Pain, I felt as if I was dying,I begged my doctor to be hospitalized. My doctor had insisted that Chronic Pelvic Pain is a lifetime condition and that there was no cure. Your book sounded very appealing and since I had nothing to lose, I bought your book and followed your program to the tee. I was really blown away by the fact that in approx 20 days I was completely cured. This is amazing and I was so excited I had to drop you a thank you note. It really feels like magic.
thanks ...for everything! "
-- Katherine (Kent, UK)
What makes this newly discovered treatment so Unique...
It makes Chronic Pelvic Pain no longer chronic because it takes very short time to cure. Shows exactly what causes the illness and what you have to do in order to remain fit.
And most importantly puts you in control.You will know what to do and how to do it.
Why should you believe me...
There are thousands of books and dozens of people claiming to be experts. However, very few of these so-called "experts" practice what they preach or have the credentials to back up their claims. Since you're probably wondering how this book is different, here's a little story:
10 years ago I got ill at the beginning I thought it was just a flu or cold.After few weeks I still fell the same and realized that it was something else rather than flu and decided to see a doctor.To make long story short I was diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue which after six month turned into Chronic Prostatitis and the next 5 years I spent a fortune seeing different doctors and unfortunately none of them was capable of helping me except prescribing various antibiotics. The difference between ordinary doctor and Ph.D. was that Ph.D. tells you what symptoms you experiencing and to ordinary doctor you have to explain what you experience and he still thinks "you are from Mars".
Cure Chronic Pelvic Pain in 3 weeks
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After 5 years I lost hope and belief that medical science would finally find the answer so many people are looking for, decided to use my inventors ability and find the answer myself.I spent hours at the library reading stacks of books and magazines about health and nutrition. I have read hundreds of medicine books. My library grew to over 100 health and nutrition books, but book is one thing and it's not the same as knowledge from actual experience.
I tried every treatment known to science and natural health with conviction, desire and hope that it would make a difference. That it would finally eliminate my Chronic Prostatitis.
After more than 5 years of hard work and research on a daily basis, after several success moments and long processes of trial and self experiments,I could finally yell "Eureka".To my surprise the solution was far more simpler then everybody was looking for it doesn't even require new drugs because they already exist and are used for different illness. From all the truths and evidence, misconceptions and myths... the puzzle was finally solved. It took me around a year to polish and refine my discovery and share it with you.
Success Story#5
"Dear Vytas, I have been suffering from Chronic Prostatis for the past 6 years. The pain was experienced almost constantly and I was treated with different antibiotics but unfortunately these didn't help me at all. When I first came across your book I didn’t quite know what to expect and was very skeptical. Now, although I still found some of the theories in the book to be quite overwhelming, I cannot argue with the results. Three weeks after applying your methods, I became completely regular and free from annoying and painful symptoms. This is truly a miracle. You’ve been very supportive and kind. God bless you!"
-- George (Utah, USA)
Success Story#6
"Vytas, your book holds very vital and crucial information and must be read by everyone. I have been plagued with CPPS and also frequent headaches, constipation, fatigue for about 3 years,but I was lucky to come across your book. By following steps in your book, I have experienced dramatic relief and many of the symptoms I used to suffer from on a daily basis have disappeared. This book is a very valuable resource and tremendously helpful to say the least.
God bless you and your family!"
-- Sam (Nebraska, USA )
Cure Chronic Pelvic Pain in 3 weeks
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Who is this book for...
For everyone who frequently experience at least one of the folowing symptoms:
Aching Neck and Shoulders
Needing Pass Urine Frequently
Legs of Iron/Restless Legs
Sleeping Difficulties/Difficulties to Wake Up
What will you learn from my book...
The book explain exactly what is happening in the body that causes chronic pain that nobody ever realized before.
It show how to cure the real cause of pain instead of concentrating on the area of the pain.
Shows why drugs don't have any influence on the pain.
Why healthy eating sometimes can be more harmful than helpful
How simply and cheaply get rid of the chronic pain.
This ebook costs only $29.95!Instant delivery!
It's risk free 60 day money back guarantee!
Cure Chronic Pelvic Pain in 3 weeks
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Tuesday, 21 April 2009
Joint Inflammation, How To Control Arthritis
Dear Friend,
How to control your arthritis and lead a pain free life
-Do you suffer from arthritis?
-Are you one of the unfortunate millions world wide who have to put up with this debilitating disease?
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Perhaps you think you’ve already tried everything there is to relieve and help the pain that arthritis causes? Well, there are over 100 different types of arthritis. To begin taking control, you must first get a correct diagnosis. Most visits to the doctor just result in being handed a prescription for painkilling drugs. Occasionally someone may get referred for further investigation.
But what exactly do painkillers do? The truth of the matter is that they simply hide the pain until they wear off. They don’t actually do anything towards treating the progression of the actual disease itself, so it will therefore just get worse as time goes by.
Joint Inflammation, How To Control Arthritis
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Did you know it is possible to control arthritis pain and keep it from Worsening?
After considerable research, we have pooled all of the information we have found, together with helpful facts and tips on how best you can take control. How you can minimize and deal with any discomfort, and most importantly of all, how to delay or arrest any further progression.
This information is now available for the first time in our new e-book “How to control arthritis and lead a pain free life”. We present this information to you in plain, easy to understand language that will give you the means to manage your arthritis and stop any further deterioration. If you download our e-book and use the information to your benefit, we are confident you will notice the difference.
Learn to control your arthritis pain and lead a pain free life!
We offer you rock solid 60 day money back guarantee on purchase!
Price $9.95
In This E-book you Will Learn the following
o The most common types of arthritis
o The best types of pain relief available
o Foods that can trigger arthritic pain
o The tips and techniques to prevent arthritis from ruining your life
o How to prevent arthritis from progressing
o Discovering relaxation techniques and home remedies
o The exercises to keep your joints in tip top condition
o Information on how to receive the correct diagnosis
o And so much more
Joint Inflammation, How To Control Arthritis
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Arthritis pain and 8 ways to avoid it!
Our e-book has already helped thousands to take control of their situation and has shown them how they can prevent their arthritic pain from worsening. Read some of the comments we have had back from genuinely satisfied clients:
I have suffered terribly for many years with severe arthritic pain. My doctor told me it’s just something that happens as we get older and continued to prescribe me pain relief. I knew it wasn’t doing anything to treat the condition itself. Then my friend came across your website and advised me to take a look. I am glad I can now say that I have never felt better. As it turned out, my pain was actually being triggered by certain foods I ate. I learnt this from the e book. I have now been able to reduce my pain control medication and I feel so much better as a result. I am now able to go for walks in the park again, something I hadn’t been able to do for some years because of the pain. I am a new woman and all thanks are due to your e-book.
Michael, Arizona
I was only a young girl when my doctor told me I had arthritis. He said that overtime it would get worse. I was shocked to hear this as I knew what pain some people go through and how it can affect their daily lives, I found your e- book and I thank the lord I did. I do my exercise regime religiously on a daily basis. I changed my diet and I carried on reading. I learned a little more and am now no longer masking pain with drugs that don’t treat the arthritis. Instead I am fixing the problem and preventing it from becoming worse. I am so glad I bought you e-book and I would thoroughly recommend it to anyone, young or old, it really does help.
Emma, LA
Arthritis affects the joints, the hips, spine, neck and ankles. If you do nothing it will gradually get worse. In some cases people have suffered from arthritis so badly that they have had no option but to use a wheel chair and they become house bound. If you are a sufferer, do something now, take control of your arthritis before it takes control of you.
Did you know that if you are overweight, and you suffer from arthritis, you will be making it worse each time you walk? This is because your bones support you and if they are overburdened with extra weight to support, then the arthritis will get progressively worse.
Joint Inflammation, How To Control Arthritis
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Not only does our e-book target the arthritis and provide solutions to controlling it, it also covers diets and how they can help with arthritic pain.
If you are still unsure about whether our book can help, be assured you that if you buy it and you are not completely satisfied, you can take advantage of our 60 day, no nonsense, money back guarantee. You can’t lose. You owe it to yourself to try.
You can download our e book 24/7 just as soon as your payment has been processed.
We Guarantee every
Sale with a
60 Day Rock Steady Money Back Guarantee!
Price was: $69!
Purchase today for
only $9.95
It's well worth it!
Instant download available for you 24/7!
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P.S: Please don’t forget to download the free guide now to learn more.
How to control your arthritis and lead a pain free life
-Do you suffer from arthritis?
-Are you one of the unfortunate millions world wide who have to put up with this debilitating disease?
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Perhaps you think you’ve already tried everything there is to relieve and help the pain that arthritis causes? Well, there are over 100 different types of arthritis. To begin taking control, you must first get a correct diagnosis. Most visits to the doctor just result in being handed a prescription for painkilling drugs. Occasionally someone may get referred for further investigation.
But what exactly do painkillers do? The truth of the matter is that they simply hide the pain until they wear off. They don’t actually do anything towards treating the progression of the actual disease itself, so it will therefore just get worse as time goes by.
Joint Inflammation, How To Control Arthritis
Click Here For Full Story!
Did you know it is possible to control arthritis pain and keep it from Worsening?
After considerable research, we have pooled all of the information we have found, together with helpful facts and tips on how best you can take control. How you can minimize and deal with any discomfort, and most importantly of all, how to delay or arrest any further progression.
This information is now available for the first time in our new e-book “How to control arthritis and lead a pain free life”. We present this information to you in plain, easy to understand language that will give you the means to manage your arthritis and stop any further deterioration. If you download our e-book and use the information to your benefit, we are confident you will notice the difference.
Learn to control your arthritis pain and lead a pain free life!
We offer you rock solid 60 day money back guarantee on purchase!
Price $9.95
In This E-book you Will Learn the following
o The most common types of arthritis
o The best types of pain relief available
o Foods that can trigger arthritic pain
o The tips and techniques to prevent arthritis from ruining your life
o How to prevent arthritis from progressing
o Discovering relaxation techniques and home remedies
o The exercises to keep your joints in tip top condition
o Information on how to receive the correct diagnosis
o And so much more
Joint Inflammation, How To Control Arthritis
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Arthritis pain and 8 ways to avoid it!
Our e-book has already helped thousands to take control of their situation and has shown them how they can prevent their arthritic pain from worsening. Read some of the comments we have had back from genuinely satisfied clients:
I have suffered terribly for many years with severe arthritic pain. My doctor told me it’s just something that happens as we get older and continued to prescribe me pain relief. I knew it wasn’t doing anything to treat the condition itself. Then my friend came across your website and advised me to take a look. I am glad I can now say that I have never felt better. As it turned out, my pain was actually being triggered by certain foods I ate. I learnt this from the e book. I have now been able to reduce my pain control medication and I feel so much better as a result. I am now able to go for walks in the park again, something I hadn’t been able to do for some years because of the pain. I am a new woman and all thanks are due to your e-book.
Michael, Arizona
I was only a young girl when my doctor told me I had arthritis. He said that overtime it would get worse. I was shocked to hear this as I knew what pain some people go through and how it can affect their daily lives, I found your e- book and I thank the lord I did. I do my exercise regime religiously on a daily basis. I changed my diet and I carried on reading. I learned a little more and am now no longer masking pain with drugs that don’t treat the arthritis. Instead I am fixing the problem and preventing it from becoming worse. I am so glad I bought you e-book and I would thoroughly recommend it to anyone, young or old, it really does help.
Emma, LA
Arthritis affects the joints, the hips, spine, neck and ankles. If you do nothing it will gradually get worse. In some cases people have suffered from arthritis so badly that they have had no option but to use a wheel chair and they become house bound. If you are a sufferer, do something now, take control of your arthritis before it takes control of you.
Did you know that if you are overweight, and you suffer from arthritis, you will be making it worse each time you walk? This is because your bones support you and if they are overburdened with extra weight to support, then the arthritis will get progressively worse.
Joint Inflammation, How To Control Arthritis
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Not only does our e-book target the arthritis and provide solutions to controlling it, it also covers diets and how they can help with arthritic pain.
If you are still unsure about whether our book can help, be assured you that if you buy it and you are not completely satisfied, you can take advantage of our 60 day, no nonsense, money back guarantee. You can’t lose. You owe it to yourself to try.
You can download our e book 24/7 just as soon as your payment has been processed.
We Guarantee every
Sale with a
60 Day Rock Steady Money Back Guarantee!
Price was: $69!
Purchase today for
only $9.95
It's well worth it!
Instant download available for you 24/7!
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P.S: Please don’t forget to download the free guide now to learn more.
Surviving Breast Cancer And Radiation (Looking Good And Feeling Great)
HAVE YOU JUST LEARNED THAT YOU HAVE BREAST CANCER? ARE YOU SCARED? DON’T KNOW WHAT TO EXPECT? Well You could handle that problem with a little bit more professionalism.
If You Or Anyone You Love Has Just Learned They Have Breast Cancer, This Book Will Help You Understand What To Expect As You Go Through Treatments, And Then How To Stay Cancer Free With Easy Exercise And Diet Guides.
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Dear Friend,
I know what it feels like to get the diagnosis. Frightened. A little queasy in the stomach, perhaps.
You are going to get plenty of information, believe me. You will meet with many medical providers and they will all give you lots of information. And there are hundreds of sites with information on breast cancer.
You will probably receive a folder from your surgeon or oncologist with dozens of brochures in it. You’ll probably get another one from your radiologist with dozens more.
Frankly, it is all overwhelming, when sometimes all you really want to know is, what is going to happen to me?
Wouldn’t you like a first hand, blow by blow account of what really happens once you have been diagnosed with breast cancer? The things the doctors can’t tell you because they haven’t been through it themselves.
All of your medical providers are probably very skilled and knowledgeable in all of the technical aspects of breast cancer.
But do they know what it feels like to lie on that table waiting for the biopsy to be performed?
Do they know how your skin is going to feel after 5, 10 or 15 or 33 sessions of radiation?
They can’t tell you what it feels like because they have not been through it. Wouldn’t it be great to get a definitive, clear, simple explanation of what you will go through in the days after you find out you have breast cancer?
If you could follow a “day in the life of” a breast cancer patient, from the biopsy (what really happens) to the pathology, to the operation, to the recovery, wouldn’t it make you better prepared to face this curse?
Wouldn’t you almost feel you had an extra partner in your battle against breast cancer?
Wouldn’t you like a book that could give you all that information about what to expect and be that extra partner you may need right now? Knowing what to expect makes any major event easier to handle.
Surprises are nice, but only if it is a dozen roses or birthday party.
If my body is going to be changed or even mutilated, I want to have an idea about what to expect!
And you can! Take a trip with me through the days, weeks and months following a breast cancer diagnosis and learn how each process feels and what each next step will be through the eyes of someone who has been there.
This book is designed to let you experience which tests to expect, how to interpret the “doctorese” you may encounter and always, how to move onto the next step in your life.
Surviving Breast Cancer And Radiation (Looking Good And Feeling Great)
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Learn about handling the drama of cancer ahead of time, so your emotions and psyche will be spared. Your doctor cannot do this. He can only give you statistics and reports.
I can take you through every step of what will be happening to you during the beginning stages of your cancer treatment.
This is why I have written this book: so women facing a diagnosis of breast cancer will have some understanding of all of the processes they will be going through and what one woman experienced, each step of the way.
With this easy to read book, full of pathos and humor, you will understand how your path will unfold and what each next step in your treatment will be.
As much as the doctors know, they cannot give the patient a first hand account of what it feels like to experience living with a diagnosis of cancer and what is going to happen to them along the way.
Predicting, rather than anticipating what you have to go through will make the entire process easier to adapt to and accept.
FACT: The chance of a women having breast cancer sometime in her life is one in eight.
FACT: Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer among women.
Don’t you want to be ready if you are one of those diagnosed?
This book is the result of a carefully documented journey through the world of breast cancer diagnosis and treatments. I read just about every cancer site, researched hundreds of studies in order to learn what the norms were in breast cancer treatment.
• I did all the research so you don’t have to. There are thousands of research results on breast cancer reported. You don’t have to take the time to read them all, because I have.
• Read the results, not the infinite (and I do mean infinite) details of the most important studies on breast cancer. Thank goodness, the entire world is focused not only on finding a cure, but also on finding the best ways to prevent breast cancer, and prevent the recurrence of breast cancer. There are thousands of reports to read, and trust me, reading all the full reports is exhausting. I know, I “did it".
• This guide will explain what you will have to go through and what you can expect from your surgeon, your radiologist, your oncologist and all of the other professionals you will encounter your way to cancer health.
• See what happens, day-to-day, and understand how you need to work with your medical professionals to get the most from your cancer treatment.
You will read the EXACT process an ordinary woman goes through, from her own personal experience.
Every woman has a fear of breast cancer. You can lessen that fear by understanding, in advance, what you will experience in terms of learning about your diagnosis, deciding on treatments, what the operation and radiation feel like and what effect they have on you, both physically and psychologically.By reading this , you will understand:
• What the Stage of Your Breast Cancer Means• What the Difference Between Invasive and In Situ Cancer is. • What Questions You Should ask your Doctor in order to Better Understand Your Particular Diagnosis.
Surviving Breast Cancer And Radiation (Looking Good And Feeling Great)
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When I was diagnosed with cancer, the first things I thought about were:
“What Should I Expect? How Am I Going to Feel? What Changes am I Going to Experience?”
This comprehensive book lets you know what to expect, how you are going to feel and what changes you will probably experience. How? By describing EXACTLY what a cancer patient went through on her road to recovery.
The whole journey is described from the discovery of the lump to the six month checkup after the last radiation treatment. In clear, everyday terms, tinged with humor and true life experiences.
The heart of this book is a guide to what the average women will go through when she has to have a lumpectomy, radiation, and hormone treatment for breast cancer.
The soul of this book is what you will feel like as you go through these stages, how to deal family and friends, and, most importantly, how to deal with it yourself.
The chapters of this eBook are a discovery journey that takes you from Day One, when you suspect that you have breast cancer, all the way through to living a life that will help to keep you Cancer Free in the future.
In addition, you will learn how to develop an easy exercise program that will help you fight cancer.
You will learn which foods to cut out and which foods to include on your road to cancer recovery.
You will follow a Daily Action Guide that will help you to concentrate on a Cancer Free Life.
What you will learn in “Surviving Breast Cancer & Radiation (Looking Good and Feeling Great While You Do)” :
Chapter One: Breast Cancer-What Should I Expect?
Chapter Two: Your Initial Emotions
Chapter Three: Get Ready
Chapter Four: The Big O
Chapter Five: Taking Care of Yourself After Surgery
Chapter Six: Fun with Radiation
Chapter Seven: Your Breast After Radiation
Chapter Eight: Looks Aren’t Everything, But…
Chapter Nine : Your Level of Activity
Chapter Ten: Your Lifestyle
Chapter Eleven: Daily Action Guide for a Cancer Free Lifestyle
Chapter Twelve: Support
Chapter Thirteen: Life Goes On Surviving Breast Cancer and Radiation (Looking Good and Feeling Great While You Do) Plus Two Important Supplements:
Surviving Breast Cancer And Radiation (Looking Good And Feeling Great)
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Appendix One: “What to Ask Your Doctor” is a comprehensive list of the important questions to ask so that you can understand and manage your care and treatment best.
Appendix Two: “Cancer Healthy Menu Guide” will give you dozens of recipes and menus, using lots of healthy fruits and vegetables, full of vitamins and minerals, based on all of the best and most recent research to help you stay healthy once your operation and treatments are over. Here is an easy and delicious example of the kind of recipes you will find:
Ingredients:1 zucchini
1 peeled eggplant peeled
1 yellow squash
1 red or yellow bell pepper
2 fresh tomatoes
2-3 tablespoons olive oil
Sea salt to taste
2 tablespoons dried or ¼ cup fresh basil
¼ cup mozzarella cheese
Directions1. Cut all vegetables into bite size pieces.
2. Add olive oil to a skillet, then add the vegetables.
3. Add salt and basil
4. Stir and cook till nearly tender
5. Add tomatoes and cook all to desired tenderness.
6. Sprinkle mozzarella cheese over the top and let it melt.
Serve over brown or wild rice.
Yummy, healthy and easy! Just what you want from a cancer healthy recipe!
After a few weeks of using the healthy exercise and eating guidelines you will find in this book, you will feel like the strong Cancer Warrior you will become!
Changing to a Cancer Healthy Lifestyle is not an overnight phenomenon.
That is why I have included day to day guides and step by step recipes to help you to transition to the healthy lifestyle that researchers have shown will help to prevent the Recurrence of Cancer.
I designed the exercise guide and menus based on the top cancer research of our day. In this book, we will talk about overcoming so many of the emotional traps you can find yourself in once you learn you have cancer.
“I need to take care of myself now, but I feel guilty about letting my family down.”
“I’m supposed to be a brave little cancer patient, but I just feel scared!”
Every Chapter in “Surviving Breast Cancer and Radiation (Looking Good and Feeling Great While You Do)” contains valuable hits, helps and strategies for getting you, and the ones who surround you, through this difficult period.
Links to the important cancer Websites are included in case you want to do further research on any given subject. (But most of the important studies are summarized, so you only have to if you want to.) Facing Cancer can never be easy, but understanding what you will face will make it that much easier.
"My family has been very supportive, but they haven't been through what I have, so it's sometimes hard for them to relate," notes one patient.
“The worst part of the entire breast cancer ordeal for me was the fear of the unknown.” One cancer survivor says "The biggest message I can give to women is don't be complacent. I really irritate people because I ask so many questions.”
“I wish I had taken advantage of other women who had gone through breast cancer treatment. Only a woman who has traveled down this road first hand can relate and understand the fears and apprehension that you go through.”
The most important lessons you will walk away from with this book are how to care for yourself, emotionally and physically, so that Breast Cancer Cannot Defeat You.
Surviving Breast Cancer And Radiation (Looking Good And Feeling Great)
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All of this is learned through concrete, first hand experience and examples that will help you avoid that “lost in not-so wonderland” feeling.
Even though there is tons of information on the internet about Breast Cancer, no where can you find a moving, compelling description of what a woman has to go through once she is diagnosed with Breast Cancer.
What does radiation actually feel like? What can I expect after a lumpectomy?
Questions like this haunt women who face a breast cancer diagnosis, but what doctor can actually answer them? This easy to read guide is worth ten times its price, simply by preparing you, calming your fears and giving you the right questions to ask your doctor.
All the information regarding breast cancer is on the internet, but wouldn’t you rather have one convenient resource that has it all?
But in addition…. You will receive, FREE OF CHARGE, your cancer healthy recipe guide as well as a guide to which important questions to ask your doctors. “Surviving Breast Cancer and Radiation (Looking Good and Feeling Great While You Do)” tells you what you should be eating now, and why, if you want to help prevent the recurrence of cancer, but this valuable recipe book will also give you dozens of recipes that will let you bring this new philosophy of cancer healthy eating into your life.
Once you see how it’s done, you will be designing your own menus to keep you and your family healthy.
Secondly, without having to read all of the hundreds of breast cancer sites, you will learn all of the questions you should ask of your medical professional to understand your particular cancer, what kind of operation you should expect, and what kind of treatments you will receive.
Having all of these questions answered in advance will help you to face cancer with the knowledge you need and avoid as many upsetting surprises as possible.
As they say, “forewarned is forearmed”.
All of this in simple, easy to read language that will take the mystery out of all of the “medicalese” you will be hearing as you go through your cancer treatments. With exercise and living guides, self care guidance, real life experiences, crucial cancer data, great recipes, and the right questions to ask, you will move forward with your cancer treatment with the confidence and attitude that are so important to fighting and healing cancer.
For only $12.95, all of this valuable information will be yours. You do not have to buy the $30 books full of medical jargon, or search the hundreds of sites on breast cancer and its treatment.
In this easy to read guide, written by someone who has experienced it, you can learn what to expect as your breast cancer diagnosis and treatment progresses.
I am so confident that you will gain valuable insights into this disease that I guarantee your money back if you are not completely satisfied.
Fear and uncertainty can make this difficult time even more difficult. Cancer researchers tell us that having the right attitude can actually help in the healing process. This book will help you develop that important attitude.
Surviving Breast Cancer And Radiation (Looking Good And Feeling Great)
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I believe you will be inspired by this and helped immeasurably by reading about first hand experiences that will soon become your own.
The price of $12.95 is designed to make it very affordable for you to get all of this information you need.
Why Only $12.95?
I know that most women faced with breast cancer would like to find out all they can about it, but can’t afford the money or the time to buy and read all of the information that is out there. Here is a sampling of the types of books on cancer that you could be reading, if you had lots of money and nothing else to do:
On how to survive breast cancer: $16.95 to $22.95 plus shipping and handling.
On exercise and breast cancer: $17.50 to $29.95 plus shipping and handling.
On breast cancer treatments: $18.95 to $30.95 plus shipping and handling.
On personal experiences with breast cancer $15.95 to $24.95 plus shipping and handling.
Humor and breast cancer: $18.98 to $19.95 plus shipping and handling.
Recipes for breast cancer: $16.95 to 24.95 plus shipping and handling.
In “Surviving Breast Cancer and Radiation (Looking Good and Feeling Great While You Do)”, you get all of that and more, for only $12.95, with no shipping and handling.
And you know that you will not get a money back guarantee with the kind of books listed above. Wouldn’t you prefer an eBook that covers it all, and that you have absolutely no risk with?
One Other Bonus
In addition to the “Surviving Breast Cancer and Radiation (Looking Good and Feeling Great While You Do)” and the free supplements, you will receive my personal diary, giving you the experiences and emotions you will encounter when you go through your day to day cancer journey.
I believe you will enjoy and benefit from all of these products and I would truly love to be one of the angels who offer you support during this trying time. Sincerely
Surviving Breast Cancer And Radiation (Looking Good And Feeling Great)
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Mary Holihan
Author “Surviving Breast Cancer and Radiation (Looking Good and Feeling Great While You Do)” Use PayPal or a Credit Card securely All credit card and payment transactions are handled by Clickbank. Clickbank is used by well over 100,000 retailers. Here is their security policy:
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If YOU want to email me, however, feel free to do so at I would love to hear your stories, comments, or observations.
Immediately following payment you will be able to download your eBook , and your Free Supplements.
This eBook is created in Adobe Acrobat file format. (PDF file).
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My NO-QUESTIONS-ASKED guarantee: If for any reason you are not happy with the information and guidance you receive from this book, please email me within 60 days from your date of purchase - and I'll issue you a 100% refund immediately.
You will have sixty days to read and use every tip, strategy, and recipe that will help you in your cancer battle. If you're not completely satisfied with this comprehensive guide, just ask for (and receive) an immediate, 100% refund.
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If You Or Anyone You Love Has Just Learned They Have Breast Cancer, This Book Will Help You Understand What To Expect As You Go Through Treatments, And Then How To Stay Cancer Free With Easy Exercise And Diet Guides.
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Dear Friend,
I know what it feels like to get the diagnosis. Frightened. A little queasy in the stomach, perhaps.
You are going to get plenty of information, believe me. You will meet with many medical providers and they will all give you lots of information. And there are hundreds of sites with information on breast cancer.
You will probably receive a folder from your surgeon or oncologist with dozens of brochures in it. You’ll probably get another one from your radiologist with dozens more.
Frankly, it is all overwhelming, when sometimes all you really want to know is, what is going to happen to me?
Wouldn’t you like a first hand, blow by blow account of what really happens once you have been diagnosed with breast cancer? The things the doctors can’t tell you because they haven’t been through it themselves.
All of your medical providers are probably very skilled and knowledgeable in all of the technical aspects of breast cancer.
But do they know what it feels like to lie on that table waiting for the biopsy to be performed?
Do they know how your skin is going to feel after 5, 10 or 15 or 33 sessions of radiation?
They can’t tell you what it feels like because they have not been through it. Wouldn’t it be great to get a definitive, clear, simple explanation of what you will go through in the days after you find out you have breast cancer?
If you could follow a “day in the life of” a breast cancer patient, from the biopsy (what really happens) to the pathology, to the operation, to the recovery, wouldn’t it make you better prepared to face this curse?
Wouldn’t you almost feel you had an extra partner in your battle against breast cancer?
Wouldn’t you like a book that could give you all that information about what to expect and be that extra partner you may need right now? Knowing what to expect makes any major event easier to handle.
Surprises are nice, but only if it is a dozen roses or birthday party.
If my body is going to be changed or even mutilated, I want to have an idea about what to expect!
And you can! Take a trip with me through the days, weeks and months following a breast cancer diagnosis and learn how each process feels and what each next step will be through the eyes of someone who has been there.
This book is designed to let you experience which tests to expect, how to interpret the “doctorese” you may encounter and always, how to move onto the next step in your life.
Surviving Breast Cancer And Radiation (Looking Good And Feeling Great)
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Learn about handling the drama of cancer ahead of time, so your emotions and psyche will be spared. Your doctor cannot do this. He can only give you statistics and reports.
I can take you through every step of what will be happening to you during the beginning stages of your cancer treatment.
This is why I have written this book: so women facing a diagnosis of breast cancer will have some understanding of all of the processes they will be going through and what one woman experienced, each step of the way.
With this easy to read book, full of pathos and humor, you will understand how your path will unfold and what each next step in your treatment will be.
As much as the doctors know, they cannot give the patient a first hand account of what it feels like to experience living with a diagnosis of cancer and what is going to happen to them along the way.
Predicting, rather than anticipating what you have to go through will make the entire process easier to adapt to and accept.
FACT: The chance of a women having breast cancer sometime in her life is one in eight.
FACT: Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer among women.
Don’t you want to be ready if you are one of those diagnosed?
This book is the result of a carefully documented journey through the world of breast cancer diagnosis and treatments. I read just about every cancer site, researched hundreds of studies in order to learn what the norms were in breast cancer treatment.
• I did all the research so you don’t have to. There are thousands of research results on breast cancer reported. You don’t have to take the time to read them all, because I have.
• Read the results, not the infinite (and I do mean infinite) details of the most important studies on breast cancer. Thank goodness, the entire world is focused not only on finding a cure, but also on finding the best ways to prevent breast cancer, and prevent the recurrence of breast cancer. There are thousands of reports to read, and trust me, reading all the full reports is exhausting. I know, I “did it".
• This guide will explain what you will have to go through and what you can expect from your surgeon, your radiologist, your oncologist and all of the other professionals you will encounter your way to cancer health.
• See what happens, day-to-day, and understand how you need to work with your medical professionals to get the most from your cancer treatment.
You will read the EXACT process an ordinary woman goes through, from her own personal experience.
Every woman has a fear of breast cancer. You can lessen that fear by understanding, in advance, what you will experience in terms of learning about your diagnosis, deciding on treatments, what the operation and radiation feel like and what effect they have on you, both physically and psychologically.By reading this , you will understand:
• What the Stage of Your Breast Cancer Means• What the Difference Between Invasive and In Situ Cancer is. • What Questions You Should ask your Doctor in order to Better Understand Your Particular Diagnosis.
Surviving Breast Cancer And Radiation (Looking Good And Feeling Great)
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When I was diagnosed with cancer, the first things I thought about were:
“What Should I Expect? How Am I Going to Feel? What Changes am I Going to Experience?”
This comprehensive book lets you know what to expect, how you are going to feel and what changes you will probably experience. How? By describing EXACTLY what a cancer patient went through on her road to recovery.
The whole journey is described from the discovery of the lump to the six month checkup after the last radiation treatment. In clear, everyday terms, tinged with humor and true life experiences.
The heart of this book is a guide to what the average women will go through when she has to have a lumpectomy, radiation, and hormone treatment for breast cancer.
The soul of this book is what you will feel like as you go through these stages, how to deal family and friends, and, most importantly, how to deal with it yourself.
The chapters of this eBook are a discovery journey that takes you from Day One, when you suspect that you have breast cancer, all the way through to living a life that will help to keep you Cancer Free in the future.
In addition, you will learn how to develop an easy exercise program that will help you fight cancer.
You will learn which foods to cut out and which foods to include on your road to cancer recovery.
You will follow a Daily Action Guide that will help you to concentrate on a Cancer Free Life.
What you will learn in “Surviving Breast Cancer & Radiation (Looking Good and Feeling Great While You Do)” :
Chapter One: Breast Cancer-What Should I Expect?
Chapter Two: Your Initial Emotions
Chapter Three: Get Ready
Chapter Four: The Big O
Chapter Five: Taking Care of Yourself After Surgery
Chapter Six: Fun with Radiation
Chapter Seven: Your Breast After Radiation
Chapter Eight: Looks Aren’t Everything, But…
Chapter Nine : Your Level of Activity
Chapter Ten: Your Lifestyle
Chapter Eleven: Daily Action Guide for a Cancer Free Lifestyle
Chapter Twelve: Support
Chapter Thirteen: Life Goes On Surviving Breast Cancer and Radiation (Looking Good and Feeling Great While You Do) Plus Two Important Supplements:
Surviving Breast Cancer And Radiation (Looking Good And Feeling Great)
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Appendix One: “What to Ask Your Doctor” is a comprehensive list of the important questions to ask so that you can understand and manage your care and treatment best.
Appendix Two: “Cancer Healthy Menu Guide” will give you dozens of recipes and menus, using lots of healthy fruits and vegetables, full of vitamins and minerals, based on all of the best and most recent research to help you stay healthy once your operation and treatments are over. Here is an easy and delicious example of the kind of recipes you will find:
Ingredients:1 zucchini
1 peeled eggplant peeled
1 yellow squash
1 red or yellow bell pepper
2 fresh tomatoes
2-3 tablespoons olive oil
Sea salt to taste
2 tablespoons dried or ¼ cup fresh basil
¼ cup mozzarella cheese
Directions1. Cut all vegetables into bite size pieces.
2. Add olive oil to a skillet, then add the vegetables.
3. Add salt and basil
4. Stir and cook till nearly tender
5. Add tomatoes and cook all to desired tenderness.
6. Sprinkle mozzarella cheese over the top and let it melt.
Serve over brown or wild rice.
Yummy, healthy and easy! Just what you want from a cancer healthy recipe!
After a few weeks of using the healthy exercise and eating guidelines you will find in this book, you will feel like the strong Cancer Warrior you will become!
Changing to a Cancer Healthy Lifestyle is not an overnight phenomenon.
That is why I have included day to day guides and step by step recipes to help you to transition to the healthy lifestyle that researchers have shown will help to prevent the Recurrence of Cancer.
I designed the exercise guide and menus based on the top cancer research of our day. In this book, we will talk about overcoming so many of the emotional traps you can find yourself in once you learn you have cancer.
“I need to take care of myself now, but I feel guilty about letting my family down.”
“I’m supposed to be a brave little cancer patient, but I just feel scared!”
Every Chapter in “Surviving Breast Cancer and Radiation (Looking Good and Feeling Great While You Do)” contains valuable hits, helps and strategies for getting you, and the ones who surround you, through this difficult period.
Links to the important cancer Websites are included in case you want to do further research on any given subject. (But most of the important studies are summarized, so you only have to if you want to.) Facing Cancer can never be easy, but understanding what you will face will make it that much easier.
"My family has been very supportive, but they haven't been through what I have, so it's sometimes hard for them to relate," notes one patient.
“The worst part of the entire breast cancer ordeal for me was the fear of the unknown.” One cancer survivor says "The biggest message I can give to women is don't be complacent. I really irritate people because I ask so many questions.”
“I wish I had taken advantage of other women who had gone through breast cancer treatment. Only a woman who has traveled down this road first hand can relate and understand the fears and apprehension that you go through.”
The most important lessons you will walk away from with this book are how to care for yourself, emotionally and physically, so that Breast Cancer Cannot Defeat You.
Surviving Breast Cancer And Radiation (Looking Good And Feeling Great)
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All of this is learned through concrete, first hand experience and examples that will help you avoid that “lost in not-so wonderland” feeling.
Even though there is tons of information on the internet about Breast Cancer, no where can you find a moving, compelling description of what a woman has to go through once she is diagnosed with Breast Cancer.
What does radiation actually feel like? What can I expect after a lumpectomy?
Questions like this haunt women who face a breast cancer diagnosis, but what doctor can actually answer them? This easy to read guide is worth ten times its price, simply by preparing you, calming your fears and giving you the right questions to ask your doctor.
All the information regarding breast cancer is on the internet, but wouldn’t you rather have one convenient resource that has it all?
But in addition…. You will receive, FREE OF CHARGE, your cancer healthy recipe guide as well as a guide to which important questions to ask your doctors. “Surviving Breast Cancer and Radiation (Looking Good and Feeling Great While You Do)” tells you what you should be eating now, and why, if you want to help prevent the recurrence of cancer, but this valuable recipe book will also give you dozens of recipes that will let you bring this new philosophy of cancer healthy eating into your life.
Once you see how it’s done, you will be designing your own menus to keep you and your family healthy.
Secondly, without having to read all of the hundreds of breast cancer sites, you will learn all of the questions you should ask of your medical professional to understand your particular cancer, what kind of operation you should expect, and what kind of treatments you will receive.
Having all of these questions answered in advance will help you to face cancer with the knowledge you need and avoid as many upsetting surprises as possible.
As they say, “forewarned is forearmed”.
All of this in simple, easy to read language that will take the mystery out of all of the “medicalese” you will be hearing as you go through your cancer treatments. With exercise and living guides, self care guidance, real life experiences, crucial cancer data, great recipes, and the right questions to ask, you will move forward with your cancer treatment with the confidence and attitude that are so important to fighting and healing cancer.
For only $12.95, all of this valuable information will be yours. You do not have to buy the $30 books full of medical jargon, or search the hundreds of sites on breast cancer and its treatment.
In this easy to read guide, written by someone who has experienced it, you can learn what to expect as your breast cancer diagnosis and treatment progresses.
I am so confident that you will gain valuable insights into this disease that I guarantee your money back if you are not completely satisfied.
Fear and uncertainty can make this difficult time even more difficult. Cancer researchers tell us that having the right attitude can actually help in the healing process. This book will help you develop that important attitude.
Surviving Breast Cancer And Radiation (Looking Good And Feeling Great)
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I believe you will be inspired by this and helped immeasurably by reading about first hand experiences that will soon become your own.
The price of $12.95 is designed to make it very affordable for you to get all of this information you need.
Why Only $12.95?
I know that most women faced with breast cancer would like to find out all they can about it, but can’t afford the money or the time to buy and read all of the information that is out there. Here is a sampling of the types of books on cancer that you could be reading, if you had lots of money and nothing else to do:
On how to survive breast cancer: $16.95 to $22.95 plus shipping and handling.
On exercise and breast cancer: $17.50 to $29.95 plus shipping and handling.
On breast cancer treatments: $18.95 to $30.95 plus shipping and handling.
On personal experiences with breast cancer $15.95 to $24.95 plus shipping and handling.
Humor and breast cancer: $18.98 to $19.95 plus shipping and handling.
Recipes for breast cancer: $16.95 to 24.95 plus shipping and handling.
In “Surviving Breast Cancer and Radiation (Looking Good and Feeling Great While You Do)”, you get all of that and more, for only $12.95, with no shipping and handling.
And you know that you will not get a money back guarantee with the kind of books listed above. Wouldn’t you prefer an eBook that covers it all, and that you have absolutely no risk with?
One Other Bonus
In addition to the “Surviving Breast Cancer and Radiation (Looking Good and Feeling Great While You Do)” and the free supplements, you will receive my personal diary, giving you the experiences and emotions you will encounter when you go through your day to day cancer journey.
I believe you will enjoy and benefit from all of these products and I would truly love to be one of the angels who offer you support during this trying time. Sincerely
Surviving Breast Cancer And Radiation (Looking Good And Feeling Great)
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Mary Holihan
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Saturday, 18 April 2009
Vision Without Glasses: Naturally Restore Your Eyesight Within a Few Weeks, Without Surgery!
If Your Aren’t Blind Already.... I Can Promise YOU That I’ll Naturally Restore Your Eyesight Within a Few Weeks, Without Surgery!
A Hungarian Scientist Enjoying Perfect Vision, Gifts The World The Remedy To Better Eyesight After a Lifelong Struggle... On His 60th Birthday!
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Let Me Ask You, Do You Want To...
. Do the things that make us human - read, work, drive your car with without glasses or contact lenses within a few weeks from today?
. Have you ever imagined a life with without the frustration of stumbling around without your glasses or contact lenses?
. Spend your hard-earned money on doing more exciting stuff, instead of buying just your next spectacles, contacts or their various maintenance accessories?
. Wink at a girl or your wife without having to take off your glasses (since you won’t need one, once you’ve completed my program)?
From The Desk Of: Dr.Duke Peterson
Subject: How To Naturally Restore Your Eyesight?
You've got to face the facts, the daily ritual of wearing eyeglasses and contact lenses is uncomfortable for most of us and can seriously complicate your life.
Worse, if you’ve been using them for quite a while now, you tend to believe that it’s impossible to go about without them...
Keep your eyes glued to the screen, for I’m about to scientifically bend your concept of reality!
. Are you tired of wasting your money on glasses or contact lenses?
. Are you completely dependent on contact lenses or eyeglasses to see?
. Are you fed up with misplacing and losing your glasses?
. Are you sick of having to clean your lenses everyday?
. Are you considering lasik eye surgery, but are apprehensive about the risks and long term effects?
Do YOU Know the Raw Truth About Good Eyesight?
Yes It has been proven that all lenses and glasses actually weaken your eyesight, by indoctrinating you to utilize your eyes in an “unnatural” manner, thus causes various types of visual defects!
Yes If you were banking on the so-called “corrective eye surgery” that is being marketed vehemently, there’s plenty of bad news in store for you, corrective eye surgery only treats the symptoms, while being very risky and expensive to perform and can also cause your eyes to malfunction later!
Yes 99.9% of the so called "optical professionals" know little to nothing about the natural methods of improving eyesight and even those who do, will try their best to not let you get the wind of it, as it goes against their "best interests".
Yes You can not blame it on genetics. It has been proven that almost all newborn babies have normal eyesight!
Yes Native people such as the tribes living in the dense Amazon jungles have retained the ability to see what most people living in developed societies would need microscopes to visualize!
Vision Without Glasses
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Are You Willing to Pay the Price of Being
Civilized With Your Precious Eyesight?
Every reaction has an equal and opposite reaction... Similarly, almost all children before school age have perfect eyesight. But many seem to gradually lose it as the pressure to perform accumulates with each passing year. This causes many of our kids to become short-sighted as quickly as in their early teen years.
And by the time we've finished school, many of us have bad eyesight since our sub-conscious mind is unable to bear the strain it affects other areas of the brain that controls and interpret various functions. The part of the brain that controls the eyesight is inadvertently affected. This has be further verified by me, by comparing the statistics of the number of adults with eyesight problems in developed societies compared to that in undeveloped once.
Many of us have vision problems, but the truth is that almost all of those problems are fully reversal and you too can improve your eyesight using a proven and guaranteed system. Best of all, the chances of any adverse reactions of using this system of mine are none. Think about it, when was the last time, someone guaranteed you a risk free future without glasses or contact lenses?
My system suits all those with poor vision and as an added advantage it helps prevent common eye problems too. It will help you see better at any age, even if your 75 years old (that’s the oldest person my system was successfully tested on)!
But, The Million Dollar Question Is...
How Does It Work?
It all started in the 1880s when the New York based ophthalmologist Dr. William H. Bates conceived the idea that if it was possible to rejoin broken bones, then it must be possible to heal damaged and poor eyesight.
Dr. Bates was one of the first to challenge the indoctrination that only precision eyeglasses or spectacles could allow a person to see clearly. At the end of his research, he successfully proved that this preconceived notion in the minds of most people was only a myth.
By conducting various experiments upon his own patients Dr. Bates discovered that an average person's eyesight is affected by many factors including their stress level, eye strain, and even their diet.
The doctor also discovered that in the majority of cases, vision could be improved through a program of well-structured eye relaxation exercises.
He was also convinced that is was not the power of the eyeglasses that determined clear vision, thus in 1891 he quit his practise as a doctor and began to assist his patients to get rid of their eye glasses.
How am I so confident?
As a 60 year old doctor, I have been analysing and testing the exercises prescribed by Dr. Bates, I’ve also restructured some of the exercises for maximum ease and effectiveness. And there are a very few 60 year old doctors with 20-20 vision like me.
Vision Without Glasses
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Even if you can’t remember the last time you saw clearly without your glasses or lenses, I can still assure you that you won’t need to rely upon eye glasses or contact lenses any longer to be able to see clearly.
I’ve Helped Hundreds Of Patients To Sharpen Their Vision..
Allow Me To Do The Same For YOU... I’ll Teach You How You Can Activate Your Body’s Natural Healing Powers To Improve Your Eyesight The Natural Way...
Do YOU want to know my secret to 20-20 vision?
But, before I disclose my secret, I want you to know that my method applies to all visual problems and defects including:
Vision Without Glasses
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You might begin to wonder if you can improve your vision simply by letting your eyes relax in a systematic manner...
Yes, it has been proven that you can! Best, of all with my revolutionary program that’s been designed for someone with no medical experience, exact exercises are revealed in step-by-step systematic manner that are guarantee to help you see better!
Vision Without Glasses™ has been designed from my personal research, case studies and my practise as a doctor. The very best medical research related to eye improvement spreading over the past century has compressed into this one of a kind material that will reveal the extraordinary techniques that has helped my hundreds of patients, including my 75 year old patient to enjoy perfect eyesight.
Here’s A Sneak Preview Of What Is About To Be Revealed To You:
. How you can improve your eyesight by completely relaxing your eyes – Just carry out the relaxing and soothing eye exercises that I’ve specially designed for you for just a couple minutes a day for your eyesight to drastically improve.
. I’ve provided you a multiple choice of exercises that achieve the same results - thus allow you can choose which of the exercises you want to do. After all, exercising should be fun!
. The vast difference between strain and stress will be revealed by me – Understanding this important aspect will not only improve your eyesight by also your overall health, happiness and well-being.
. How you can exactly ascertain for yourself whether your eyes are relaxed or not – You’ll discover how you can easily teach yourself to find out when your eyes are tense.
. The real cause of mental strain – Like I said earlier, mental strain is one the most important factor affect your eyesight. I’ll teach you how you find out its causes and how it should be tackled.
. How to fully relax your mind and body – I’ll inform you about the significance of the mind + body connection and how you can utilize this to improve your eyesight apart from revitalizing your health fully.
. The best ways to protect your eyes – Since 80% of your sensory information comes through your eyes, you should know what harms your eyes and how you can protect your eyes even in conditions that are adverse to human sight.
. 11 of the most frequent types of visual defects and how to reverse their effects are explained by me in detailed. Find out what ails your eyes - far-sightedness, near-sightedness, dyslexia, lazy eye, cross eye, glaucoma, macular degeneration, cataract, retina disorders, and astigmatism – and allow me to correct it.
. You won’t have to spend your hard earned money buying new glasses and contact lenses.
. You won’t have to suffer the frustration of cleaning your glasses or contact lenses any longer.
. You won’t have to undergo risky and expensive lasik surgery – thus avoiding its long harm.
. You’ll learn how to be able to sharpen your mental focus as well as your visual focus.
. You’ll finally be able to feeling the joy of not having to experience headaches and tired caused by eyestrains.
. You’ll begin to experience the true advantages of improved health by taking a few minutes everyday to fully relax and reconnect with your mind and body by doing by eye exercises.
Vision Without Glasses
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But don't just take my word for it, read for yourself what just some of our many satisfied customers have to say about "Vision Without Glasses™":
Tony Brawnovic
Costa Rica
"Just a quick thank you. I bought your program in Mid December, in hopes I could be glasses free by summer. My vision was almost 20/30 in both eyes. In a little over two months and I am 20/20, which is the average! What a product! Thank you doesn’t feel sufficient enough. Please use this testimony as my sincere gratitude."
Tony Brawnovic
Vision Without Glasses
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Henry White
"I thought I would live the rest of my life with glasses. My experience since I started your program was amazing.
I went trough all the program at first because it was the fastest way for me to learn what it is about. After reading everything I started the program and my eyes felt renewed in just a few days - as if they were reborn."
Henry White
George Fenech
London, England
"Ever since I started your vision program, my vision have literally improved over night. I used to wear spectacles all the time but now I'm already getting used to live without them. It's difficult to explain but I feel like I am 10 years younger.
Thanks for the program. I am totally impressed and satisfied."
George Fenech
Carol Walker
Nevada, USA
"Hello... Thanks for your fast reply and advice... I have started the program around a month ago and went to do an eye test just this morning. My optician really couldn't believe it! He was so surprised with my improvement that he said that he never saw anything like it. (Not without surgery at least!) I gave him your website address and he said that he is going to check it out and try it himself. Thank you for making this available to us!"
Carol Walker
[View Testimonial Proof]
Kelvin Rodriges
"Hi, that is a great testimonial from Kelvin, would it be fine if we published this breakthrough on our website? We have still got so many skeptics and options telling me that its not possible to improve one’s vision, but hey, who cares, because my parents, wife and I have been following your program successfully and this proves that your system actually works! We will get there, as more and more people are improving their vision and talking about it. Thank you."
Vision Without Glasses
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Donald Clark
Washington DC
"Hi Doctor! I want to give a personal testimonial and highly recommend your program for anyone that wants to improve their vision. I have been suffering from short-slightness since a very young age. I was considering laser surgery but it’s expensive and dangerous. Fortunately, after giving a try to this modest program, my vision improved to a degree that I hardly need to wear contacts anymore"
Olga Akhatova
Moscow, Russia
"If you think that you can't get rid of your classes without surgery you are wrong! I almost gave up to live with glasses, fortunately I did not. Vision without Glasses is the helping hand that will help you to free yourself from prescription glasses the natural and easy way!"
John Brown
"I have been wearing glasses since I was a kid, after hearing about your system from my friends I was very skeptic but eager to try at the same time. 3 weeks in the program and my eyes have greatly improved.
How can such an easy to follow system make such a big difference without eye surgery? "
George Balk
District of Columbia
"Thank you for putting together such an awesome program! My vision is improving consistently and my eyes just feel much more relaxed now. A must have for anyone with glasses or if you just want to see better."
Earlier on, I had asked whether you would like to, “Spend your hard-earned money on doing more exciting stuff than buying just your next spectacles, contacts or its various maintenance accessories?”
Since you are still with me, I’m assuming that you answered with an overwhelming “Yes”. Well, since I already showed you how Vision Without Glasses™ is guaranteed to allow you to achieve this, the time has come for you to act upon it.
Let’s face it, shouldn't YOU do your utmost to care about improving your eyesight?
Following the exercises in my program is what will let you see well. Here’s your opportunity to treat yourself to experience the advantages to this extraordinary program.
Vision Without Glasses
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So how much do you figure, should be charged for my incomparable program, whose benefits lasts for a lifetime unlike your glasses or contact lenses, apart for a zero maintenance cost unlike the ongoing cost of various accessories needed to maintain your lenses and glasses?
Imagine the amount of savings that my revolutionary program will help you achieve: $750, $2,500 or $5,000?
But the good news is that, since I want to support as many people on their personal journey to see better using my program as possible, I’m not going to charge anywhere close to the above amounts.
Apart from that, I’ve made this program instantly downloadable (don’t worry, I’ll provide all the downloading instructions) thus you don’t have to wait for anything to be printed or shipped, allowing you to get hold of everything that I’ve promised within a matter of minutes.
60 Days - 100% Money Back Guarantee!
I’ll also be removing E-V-E-R-Y single risk associated with your purchase.
So get started now and secure your copy of the Vision Without Glasses™ - that comes with a 60 day, no hassle + absolutely no questions asked ‘Improve Your Eyesight Or Get Your Money Back’ 100% risk free guarantee. You've got nothing to lose, and only better eyesight to gain!
Order Vision Without Glasses™ Now!
Vision Without Glasses™ You are about to get instant access to this best selling guide even if it's 3 in the morning.
Vision Without Glasses™ is for those who are seeking a dramatic improvement in their eyesight and their overall emotional and physical health and happiness.
It also comes with an Unconditional 60 Days, 100% Money Back Guarantee - because I'm sure that you will not regret your decision.
To get started, simply click here to order at the limited time price.
Vision Without Glasses™ is in digital format (PDF) which means there is no need to wait for it to arrive. You'll be able to learn exactly how you can improve your eyesight, in less than a minute from now.
I believe in you to be able to make the correct decision of making a tiny investment to enjoy the pleasures of great eyesight for the rest of your life.
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And for a limited period only, when you decide now: you’ll also be able get these valuable bonuses completely FREE.
**Limited Time Special Offers**
Order Vision Without Glasses™ by April 18, 2009 and receive all of the below bonuses at no additional charge! (Retail Value over $400)
The Bates Method for Better Eyesight Without Glasses
The Bates Method for Better Eyesight Without Glasses
This is the original Dr. Bates's time-honored program, which has helped hundreds of thousands of people triumph over normal defects of vision without the aid of eyeglasses
If you want to improve your eyesight, it is recommended that you read this book as a way to understand the framework, and then proceed to our full blown program.
Eye Charts
Our program include several eye charts which you can use to perform various eye exercises, and, of course, an eye chart provides an objective way for you to see your progress as you improve your visual fitness. As you experiment with various vision improvement techniques, the eye chart will keep you updated on your current eye improvement progress.
- Classic Eye Chart.
- Interactive Eye Chart Generator.
- Presbyopia Reduction Chart.
- String Of Pearls for improving 3D perception.
- Letter Rows & Grid of random tumbling E's.
- 10 charts for practicing fusion, convergence & divergence.
- Astigmatic Mirror.
Think and Grow Rich - Napoleon Hill
Vision Without Glasses
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Think and Grow Rich - Napoleon Hill
This is a true classic motivational book written by Napoleon Hill and inspired by a suggestion by Scottish-American billionaire Andrew Carnegie. It was published in 1937 at the end of the Great Depression. It remains the biggest seller of Napoleon Hill's books, selling a claimed 30 million copies over the next 70 years
This book is the result of more than twenty years of research based on Hill's close association with a large number of individuals who achieved great wealth during their lifetimes.
This masterpiece explains the 13 principles of success in the form of a philosophy of personal achievement.
Lessons From The Miracle Doctor
Lessons From The Miracle Doctor
There is a network of elite herbalists, holistic healers, and renegade medical doctors throughout the world, performing miracles on a daily basis. Thousands of people throughout the world have come to these "miracle doctors" terminally ill, and thousands have left healthy. Now, the secrets of these Miracle Doctors is revealed in this step-by-step guide to optimum health and relief from catastrophic illness...
The Healing Power of Water
The Healing Power of Water
Physicians rarely promote the curative properties of H2O, but Dr. Batmanghelidj, M.D. has studied water's effect on the human body and has found it to be one of the best pain relievers and preventative therapies in existence. Dr. Batmanghelidj shares his research and stories about "The Healing Power of Water."
Click Image For Full Story!

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P.S.: Take action now. Your eyesight and happiness are worth a million times more than the small price you are about to pay for my program.
P.S.: Even if your eyesight is very poor, for example -10 & -11.5 Vision Without Glasses™ will be beneficial to you.
P.S.: Unfortunately, we can't guarantee for how long the US$97 US$37.00 sale price will last. If you miss out on the special price, you’ll have to pay the full price later.
A Hungarian Scientist Enjoying Perfect Vision, Gifts The World The Remedy To Better Eyesight After a Lifelong Struggle... On His 60th Birthday!
Click Image For Full Story!

Let Me Ask You, Do You Want To...
. Do the things that make us human - read, work, drive your car with without glasses or contact lenses within a few weeks from today?
. Have you ever imagined a life with without the frustration of stumbling around without your glasses or contact lenses?
. Spend your hard-earned money on doing more exciting stuff, instead of buying just your next spectacles, contacts or their various maintenance accessories?
. Wink at a girl or your wife without having to take off your glasses (since you won’t need one, once you’ve completed my program)?
From The Desk Of: Dr.Duke Peterson
Subject: How To Naturally Restore Your Eyesight?
You've got to face the facts, the daily ritual of wearing eyeglasses and contact lenses is uncomfortable for most of us and can seriously complicate your life.
Worse, if you’ve been using them for quite a while now, you tend to believe that it’s impossible to go about without them...
Keep your eyes glued to the screen, for I’m about to scientifically bend your concept of reality!
. Are you tired of wasting your money on glasses or contact lenses?
. Are you completely dependent on contact lenses or eyeglasses to see?
. Are you fed up with misplacing and losing your glasses?
. Are you sick of having to clean your lenses everyday?
. Are you considering lasik eye surgery, but are apprehensive about the risks and long term effects?
Do YOU Know the Raw Truth About Good Eyesight?
Yes It has been proven that all lenses and glasses actually weaken your eyesight, by indoctrinating you to utilize your eyes in an “unnatural” manner, thus causes various types of visual defects!
Yes If you were banking on the so-called “corrective eye surgery” that is being marketed vehemently, there’s plenty of bad news in store for you, corrective eye surgery only treats the symptoms, while being very risky and expensive to perform and can also cause your eyes to malfunction later!
Yes 99.9% of the so called "optical professionals" know little to nothing about the natural methods of improving eyesight and even those who do, will try their best to not let you get the wind of it, as it goes against their "best interests".
Yes You can not blame it on genetics. It has been proven that almost all newborn babies have normal eyesight!
Yes Native people such as the tribes living in the dense Amazon jungles have retained the ability to see what most people living in developed societies would need microscopes to visualize!
Vision Without Glasses
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Are You Willing to Pay the Price of Being
Civilized With Your Precious Eyesight?
Every reaction has an equal and opposite reaction... Similarly, almost all children before school age have perfect eyesight. But many seem to gradually lose it as the pressure to perform accumulates with each passing year. This causes many of our kids to become short-sighted as quickly as in their early teen years.
And by the time we've finished school, many of us have bad eyesight since our sub-conscious mind is unable to bear the strain it affects other areas of the brain that controls and interpret various functions. The part of the brain that controls the eyesight is inadvertently affected. This has be further verified by me, by comparing the statistics of the number of adults with eyesight problems in developed societies compared to that in undeveloped once.
Many of us have vision problems, but the truth is that almost all of those problems are fully reversal and you too can improve your eyesight using a proven and guaranteed system. Best of all, the chances of any adverse reactions of using this system of mine are none. Think about it, when was the last time, someone guaranteed you a risk free future without glasses or contact lenses?
My system suits all those with poor vision and as an added advantage it helps prevent common eye problems too. It will help you see better at any age, even if your 75 years old (that’s the oldest person my system was successfully tested on)!
But, The Million Dollar Question Is...
How Does It Work?
It all started in the 1880s when the New York based ophthalmologist Dr. William H. Bates conceived the idea that if it was possible to rejoin broken bones, then it must be possible to heal damaged and poor eyesight.
Dr. Bates was one of the first to challenge the indoctrination that only precision eyeglasses or spectacles could allow a person to see clearly. At the end of his research, he successfully proved that this preconceived notion in the minds of most people was only a myth.
By conducting various experiments upon his own patients Dr. Bates discovered that an average person's eyesight is affected by many factors including their stress level, eye strain, and even their diet.
The doctor also discovered that in the majority of cases, vision could be improved through a program of well-structured eye relaxation exercises.
He was also convinced that is was not the power of the eyeglasses that determined clear vision, thus in 1891 he quit his practise as a doctor and began to assist his patients to get rid of their eye glasses.
How am I so confident?
As a 60 year old doctor, I have been analysing and testing the exercises prescribed by Dr. Bates, I’ve also restructured some of the exercises for maximum ease and effectiveness. And there are a very few 60 year old doctors with 20-20 vision like me.
Vision Without Glasses
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Even if you can’t remember the last time you saw clearly without your glasses or lenses, I can still assure you that you won’t need to rely upon eye glasses or contact lenses any longer to be able to see clearly.
I’ve Helped Hundreds Of Patients To Sharpen Their Vision..
Allow Me To Do The Same For YOU... I’ll Teach You How You Can Activate Your Body’s Natural Healing Powers To Improve Your Eyesight The Natural Way...
Do YOU want to know my secret to 20-20 vision?
But, before I disclose my secret, I want you to know that my method applies to all visual problems and defects including:
Vision Without Glasses
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You might begin to wonder if you can improve your vision simply by letting your eyes relax in a systematic manner...
Yes, it has been proven that you can! Best, of all with my revolutionary program that’s been designed for someone with no medical experience, exact exercises are revealed in step-by-step systematic manner that are guarantee to help you see better!
Vision Without Glasses™ has been designed from my personal research, case studies and my practise as a doctor. The very best medical research related to eye improvement spreading over the past century has compressed into this one of a kind material that will reveal the extraordinary techniques that has helped my hundreds of patients, including my 75 year old patient to enjoy perfect eyesight.
Here’s A Sneak Preview Of What Is About To Be Revealed To You:
. How you can improve your eyesight by completely relaxing your eyes – Just carry out the relaxing and soothing eye exercises that I’ve specially designed for you for just a couple minutes a day for your eyesight to drastically improve.
. I’ve provided you a multiple choice of exercises that achieve the same results - thus allow you can choose which of the exercises you want to do. After all, exercising should be fun!
. The vast difference between strain and stress will be revealed by me – Understanding this important aspect will not only improve your eyesight by also your overall health, happiness and well-being.
. How you can exactly ascertain for yourself whether your eyes are relaxed or not – You’ll discover how you can easily teach yourself to find out when your eyes are tense.
. The real cause of mental strain – Like I said earlier, mental strain is one the most important factor affect your eyesight. I’ll teach you how you find out its causes and how it should be tackled.
. How to fully relax your mind and body – I’ll inform you about the significance of the mind + body connection and how you can utilize this to improve your eyesight apart from revitalizing your health fully.
. The best ways to protect your eyes – Since 80% of your sensory information comes through your eyes, you should know what harms your eyes and how you can protect your eyes even in conditions that are adverse to human sight.
. 11 of the most frequent types of visual defects and how to reverse their effects are explained by me in detailed. Find out what ails your eyes - far-sightedness, near-sightedness, dyslexia, lazy eye, cross eye, glaucoma, macular degeneration, cataract, retina disorders, and astigmatism – and allow me to correct it.
. You won’t have to spend your hard earned money buying new glasses and contact lenses.
. You won’t have to suffer the frustration of cleaning your glasses or contact lenses any longer.
. You won’t have to undergo risky and expensive lasik surgery – thus avoiding its long harm.
. You’ll learn how to be able to sharpen your mental focus as well as your visual focus.
. You’ll finally be able to feeling the joy of not having to experience headaches and tired caused by eyestrains.
. You’ll begin to experience the true advantages of improved health by taking a few minutes everyday to fully relax and reconnect with your mind and body by doing by eye exercises.
Vision Without Glasses
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But don't just take my word for it, read for yourself what just some of our many satisfied customers have to say about "Vision Without Glasses™":
Tony Brawnovic
Costa Rica
"Just a quick thank you. I bought your program in Mid December, in hopes I could be glasses free by summer. My vision was almost 20/30 in both eyes. In a little over two months and I am 20/20, which is the average! What a product! Thank you doesn’t feel sufficient enough. Please use this testimony as my sincere gratitude."
Tony Brawnovic
Vision Without Glasses
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Henry White
"I thought I would live the rest of my life with glasses. My experience since I started your program was amazing.
I went trough all the program at first because it was the fastest way for me to learn what it is about. After reading everything I started the program and my eyes felt renewed in just a few days - as if they were reborn."
Henry White
George Fenech
London, England
"Ever since I started your vision program, my vision have literally improved over night. I used to wear spectacles all the time but now I'm already getting used to live without them. It's difficult to explain but I feel like I am 10 years younger.
Thanks for the program. I am totally impressed and satisfied."
George Fenech
Carol Walker
Nevada, USA
"Hello... Thanks for your fast reply and advice... I have started the program around a month ago and went to do an eye test just this morning. My optician really couldn't believe it! He was so surprised with my improvement that he said that he never saw anything like it. (Not without surgery at least!) I gave him your website address and he said that he is going to check it out and try it himself. Thank you for making this available to us!"
Carol Walker
[View Testimonial Proof]
Kelvin Rodriges
"Hi, that is a great testimonial from Kelvin, would it be fine if we published this breakthrough on our website? We have still got so many skeptics and options telling me that its not possible to improve one’s vision, but hey, who cares, because my parents, wife and I have been following your program successfully and this proves that your system actually works! We will get there, as more and more people are improving their vision and talking about it. Thank you."
Vision Without Glasses
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Donald Clark
Washington DC
"Hi Doctor! I want to give a personal testimonial and highly recommend your program for anyone that wants to improve their vision. I have been suffering from short-slightness since a very young age. I was considering laser surgery but it’s expensive and dangerous. Fortunately, after giving a try to this modest program, my vision improved to a degree that I hardly need to wear contacts anymore"
Olga Akhatova
Moscow, Russia
"If you think that you can't get rid of your classes without surgery you are wrong! I almost gave up to live with glasses, fortunately I did not. Vision without Glasses is the helping hand that will help you to free yourself from prescription glasses the natural and easy way!"
John Brown
"I have been wearing glasses since I was a kid, after hearing about your system from my friends I was very skeptic but eager to try at the same time. 3 weeks in the program and my eyes have greatly improved.
How can such an easy to follow system make such a big difference without eye surgery? "
George Balk
District of Columbia
"Thank you for putting together such an awesome program! My vision is improving consistently and my eyes just feel much more relaxed now. A must have for anyone with glasses or if you just want to see better."
Earlier on, I had asked whether you would like to, “Spend your hard-earned money on doing more exciting stuff than buying just your next spectacles, contacts or its various maintenance accessories?”
Since you are still with me, I’m assuming that you answered with an overwhelming “Yes”. Well, since I already showed you how Vision Without Glasses™ is guaranteed to allow you to achieve this, the time has come for you to act upon it.
Let’s face it, shouldn't YOU do your utmost to care about improving your eyesight?
Following the exercises in my program is what will let you see well. Here’s your opportunity to treat yourself to experience the advantages to this extraordinary program.
Vision Without Glasses
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So how much do you figure, should be charged for my incomparable program, whose benefits lasts for a lifetime unlike your glasses or contact lenses, apart for a zero maintenance cost unlike the ongoing cost of various accessories needed to maintain your lenses and glasses?
Imagine the amount of savings that my revolutionary program will help you achieve: $750, $2,500 or $5,000?
But the good news is that, since I want to support as many people on their personal journey to see better using my program as possible, I’m not going to charge anywhere close to the above amounts.
Apart from that, I’ve made this program instantly downloadable (don’t worry, I’ll provide all the downloading instructions) thus you don’t have to wait for anything to be printed or shipped, allowing you to get hold of everything that I’ve promised within a matter of minutes.
60 Days - 100% Money Back Guarantee!
I’ll also be removing E-V-E-R-Y single risk associated with your purchase.
So get started now and secure your copy of the Vision Without Glasses™ - that comes with a 60 day, no hassle + absolutely no questions asked ‘Improve Your Eyesight Or Get Your Money Back’ 100% risk free guarantee. You've got nothing to lose, and only better eyesight to gain!
Order Vision Without Glasses™ Now!
Vision Without Glasses™ You are about to get instant access to this best selling guide even if it's 3 in the morning.
Vision Without Glasses™ is for those who are seeking a dramatic improvement in their eyesight and their overall emotional and physical health and happiness.
It also comes with an Unconditional 60 Days, 100% Money Back Guarantee - because I'm sure that you will not regret your decision.
To get started, simply click here to order at the limited time price.
Vision Without Glasses™ is in digital format (PDF) which means there is no need to wait for it to arrive. You'll be able to learn exactly how you can improve your eyesight, in less than a minute from now.
I believe in you to be able to make the correct decision of making a tiny investment to enjoy the pleasures of great eyesight for the rest of your life.
Vision Without Glasses
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And for a limited period only, when you decide now: you’ll also be able get these valuable bonuses completely FREE.
**Limited Time Special Offers**
Order Vision Without Glasses™ by April 18, 2009 and receive all of the below bonuses at no additional charge! (Retail Value over $400)
The Bates Method for Better Eyesight Without Glasses
The Bates Method for Better Eyesight Without Glasses
This is the original Dr. Bates's time-honored program, which has helped hundreds of thousands of people triumph over normal defects of vision without the aid of eyeglasses
If you want to improve your eyesight, it is recommended that you read this book as a way to understand the framework, and then proceed to our full blown program.
Eye Charts
Our program include several eye charts which you can use to perform various eye exercises, and, of course, an eye chart provides an objective way for you to see your progress as you improve your visual fitness. As you experiment with various vision improvement techniques, the eye chart will keep you updated on your current eye improvement progress.
- Classic Eye Chart.
- Interactive Eye Chart Generator.
- Presbyopia Reduction Chart.
- String Of Pearls for improving 3D perception.
- Letter Rows & Grid of random tumbling E's.
- 10 charts for practicing fusion, convergence & divergence.
- Astigmatic Mirror.
Think and Grow Rich - Napoleon Hill
Vision Without Glasses
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Think and Grow Rich - Napoleon Hill
This is a true classic motivational book written by Napoleon Hill and inspired by a suggestion by Scottish-American billionaire Andrew Carnegie. It was published in 1937 at the end of the Great Depression. It remains the biggest seller of Napoleon Hill's books, selling a claimed 30 million copies over the next 70 years
This book is the result of more than twenty years of research based on Hill's close association with a large number of individuals who achieved great wealth during their lifetimes.
This masterpiece explains the 13 principles of success in the form of a philosophy of personal achievement.
Lessons From The Miracle Doctor
Lessons From The Miracle Doctor
There is a network of elite herbalists, holistic healers, and renegade medical doctors throughout the world, performing miracles on a daily basis. Thousands of people throughout the world have come to these "miracle doctors" terminally ill, and thousands have left healthy. Now, the secrets of these Miracle Doctors is revealed in this step-by-step guide to optimum health and relief from catastrophic illness...
The Healing Power of Water
The Healing Power of Water
Physicians rarely promote the curative properties of H2O, but Dr. Batmanghelidj, M.D. has studied water's effect on the human body and has found it to be one of the best pain relievers and preventative therapies in existence. Dr. Batmanghelidj shares his research and stories about "The Healing Power of Water."
Click Image For Full Story!

P.S.: Take action now. Your eyesight and happiness are worth a million times more than the small price you are about to pay for my program.
P.S.: Even if your eyesight is very poor, for example -10 & -11.5 Vision Without Glasses™ will be beneficial to you.
P.S.: Unfortunately, we can't guarantee for how long the US$97 US$37.00 sale price will last. If you miss out on the special price, you’ll have to pay the full price later.
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